GU39: Statuaries

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Zinbik, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. tukuan Devoted Player

    Not sure if bug.

    Both "Frenzied Outbursts" and "Maximized Potential" have the description of "They always knew how to make the most out of their fury", though one is marked PVP and the other PVE.

    Could be the same, I would think most dmg with lowest power out or something like that but could also be unintentional to have the same description.
  2. tukuan Devoted Player

    Likewise with "Antagonizer" and "Master of Distraction" as well as "Medic" and "Healer" so likely intentional.
  3. BigAl Devoted Player

    Statues are working now, sort of. We have unlocked many, but not all the statues show.
    The permissions problem has been figured out. If the league member is added to the console as a person that can enter the league (ie. friend added in) then their rights are removed. The member no longer sees the base colors or can interact with anything, takes away all permissions.
    Solution, do not add league members to the terminal as players allowed to enter the base.
    As members they already can. Silly hiccup in the system.
    • Like x 1
  4. Deranya Dedicated Player

    We had something similar as well where no statues appeared and once all 3 spots were the same person with the same way of standing.
  5. Larzhino Developer

    FYI we're working on fixing this such that league members cant be added to the player specific permissions for the Hall.
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  6. BigAl Devoted Player

    Awesome. Would come in handy if someone is already allowed to enter as a friend and then gets invited to the league. Not really a huge concern for me, but I can understand how this would affect the really large leagues.
  7. Zinbik Developer

    The descriptions will now include the activities involved at the top before the flavor description. For example, MVP's description now reads:
    Some things to remember about the system when you're looking at these:
    • What's being ranked is your activity over the previous cycle. In the above example, it's about who performed the most knock outs in PvP over the previous month's time, along with who was knocked out the least in PvP over the previous month's time.
    • When there are two activities (the more common case), we take your rank in both and add them together to determine your final rank. If that results in a tie, the person with the better rank in the first activity wins.
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  8. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    Thanks for the description updates. It gives users a better idea of how the categories are working. I noticed that some of the categories retained their old descriptions and those descriptions don't entirely fit in the description box. Here is one example:

    Other examples include the "Prestigious" and "Flexible" categories.

    I'm not sure if this is a graphical defect, but it doesn't look very good:

    Also, are the models supposed to clip the walls?
  9. Zinbik Developer

    This is going to be fixed soon.

    Interesting, that issue was fixed awhile ago. I guess it's decided to come back.

    Unfortunately, it's pretty difficult to avoid with those, but we'll see if anything can be done.
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  10. Schimaera Devoted Player

    What's the deal with "Heroic Stand"

    - (PvE) Most Team Rallies
    - (PvE) Most Times Knocked Out

    I mean...what sense does it make to reward the most knocked outs?
    Shouldn't it be

    - (PvE) Most Team Rallies
    - (PvE) Least Times Knocked Out

    Isn't it more of an achievement to rally fallen people and survive most of the time yourself?
    Or is there something like that and I only didn't see it?
    • Like x 1
  11. Lubu New Player

    Not sure what happened here but when I was testing out one of the statuaries, I had it set up, but once I changed the settings to None, the statues were still on display, any idea how to get rid of them?
  12. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Could something be done so everyone in a league can at least see league rankings as a list?

    Not all leagues are willing to trust their members with the ability to change statuary -- why you wouldn't trust your regular members in a small league, I don't know, but it's a fact -- and if you can't change the statuaries, the only way to ever view the rankings are, well, find someone who has permission to change the statuaries, and nag them to read them to you. And then if you want to know again, nag again. And then if you want to recheck, nag again. And then if you want to look at a later time, nag again.

    Repeat ad infinitum. This is very no fun. Even if a league purchases every statuary slot, there will still be a lot of categories not displayed, and the only way a mere member without admin privileges can even KNOW WHAT THEY ARE is to... find a member with those privileges and nag them to tell you. Then if you want to recheck, nag them again. Then if you... did I mention this part already?

    It's part of the very no fun part.

    It kinda keeps the overwhelming majority of the fun aspects of statuary limited to only those with privileges to change the statutes.

    It would still keep the fun pretty limited to those with privileges, but please could we at least get a LIST for mere ordinary league members, in-game, of what the categories of possible statuary awards are, and what the current rankings are?

    I'm pretty sure there's no good reason to keep this information limited to only 2 or 3 or 5 or whatever people, rather than letting everyone in the league know -- in-game -- what: a) the possible ranks are, and: b) the actual ranks. So maybe you could let the rest of us in on the fun, please?

    As it is, absent the ability to change the statutes to see what they look like, and see what the possible ranks are, and see what one's league-mates rankings are, statuaries are of extremely limited fun.

    Presumably the devs don't want to encourage people quitting and splintering leagues to start new leagues just because they're cranky that they don't get to have any fun with the whole statuary thing?

    Which is kind of a major chunk of all league halls are, for now. The other big thing is decorating, which is also a limited privilege, but I don't know any solution for being frustrated about that that isn't internal to a league.

    (Maybe split decorating permissions so one permission is to put stuff down, but another permission is required to move or remove furniture?)

    But the end result is that league halls for unprivileged members as as impersonal and unchangeable as the Watchtower. Which is just no fun at all. :(

    At least letting us be able to see league ranks and potential categories of rank would be a trivial step towards helping. It would let us in on a little of the fun at least.

    Thanks for any consideration.
  13. Original Kal Well-Known Player

    I still have old looks on current statues will that change after the cycle on the first?