GU38: Generators

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Zinbik, Jun 3, 2014.

  1. TheLoneLantern New Player

    Yes, the blues are pool mods, which refer to your health and power pools. The yellows are support mods, which refer to your tank/troller/healer focuses.
  2. Feenicks New Player

    Do each mod apply to all your armory builds?
  3. The Johnny army New Player

    Yes, you will gain the bonuses regardless of your build.
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  4. BumblingB I got better.

    I actually love these a lot. Another level of modding. Maybe you can bring RnD into this and utilize bits to make better versions of these purchased and/or mods to get a better Min/Max possible out of it.

    With that said, the categories are a bit weird. Everyone can utilize all 7 stats, but for the most part, don't. They like to go single stat and focus on that.

    Having the red being Precision and Might is a good idea, but having the yellow being vit, dom, and resto, and the blue having health and power makes it hard to fully utilize max potential and tweaks.

    A DPS doesn't benefit from any of the 3 yellow ones. Sure, the vit one can increase his own power regen, but the increase is so minimal that it would be better to put into power... which is in the blue slot. A DPS would prefer a health, as DPS gear is the lowest out of all and gives better survivability. In DPS stance, self heals, self power regen, or self shields don't gain much from any of the 3 stats as they aren't intended to work that way. Oh no, i'm thinking like a DPS... Well, yeah, because they got the short end here, but trolls and tanks kind of did too. Here me out.

    Something as simple swapping Dominance with Power for color mods fixes a lot of issues. A controller can grab Dom and Vit at the same time, which helps with shields and stun durations while keeping power up. Tanks, depending on their powerset, can grab Dom and Restoration. Healers don't gain much from Dom, so they can grab health and restoration. DPS can grab more health and power. It benefits a lot.
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  5. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Unable to place mods in the generator while using a wired xbox 360 controller.

    Had to be placed with mouse pad clicks from my laptop after the controller was unplugged.
  6. TheLoneLantern New Player

    Everyone benefits from more health (power always seems to stink though). Everyone benefits from more attack stats (precision or might). Every powerset can utilize their support role's primary stat (vit/resto/dom).

    Current system works.
  7. BumblingB I got better.

    Only not really. You have to stack a ton of each to fully benefit from it in any form. They can utilize them, but unless they are in a role that actually uses them, they don't gain much at all. It's like the T1 defense innates from skill points. The amount you gain from it doesn't benefit you much at all, especially now.

    Just swapping Dom and Power would be a great benefit for everyone.
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  8. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yeah, at first I thought the categories were messed up. Everyone is used to the current mod color scheme of yellow = power/vit/resto, blue = health/dom, red = might/prec. It's a little odd having dom and power switched like that, though I understand the concept (pool = health or power pools, yellow = support stats). I don't really see that as being a problem, though.
  9. BumblingB I got better.

    I'm thinking use though. There isn't a lot of reason for someone to go into the yellow if they DPS. A controller would want both Dom and Vit. A tank would be more inclined to have Dom and Resto or Dom and Health, depending on what powerset you are as a tank. Which would be the only one that might have an issue with Dom and Health being in the same color. Personally, even then, I would prefer Dom only, but that's me.

    Anyways, I think they should be swapped. It would just be a better option overall.
  10. Remander Steadfast Player

    So, you're saying that you want to be able to put dom in all the blue and vit in all the yellow to max them, whereas now you can only do half dom, half vit in the yellow as a troller? I can see that. Of course, I really see these as gravy. Our gear is so OP now that these mods don't add much to the mix. Heck, we could already faceroll TD in full T5. I'm not likely to even use the generator mods outside of the teleporter, but we'll see.
  11. BumblingB I got better.

    Well, unlike the Teleporters, these are added to the game free. So they are more than just gravy on top. Especially since they have been added to all vendors and will drop in all content levels. The end result can be that we now have more ways of customizing and they can build content around them, which creates more in depth gameplay. That is why I like free updates, since they can utilize them for paid updates later instead of thinking "oh they might not own that, lets scrap it." lol
  12. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    Talked about this with a few people the other day, managed to get convinced to the idea here. As the yellows are considered "support," they cater toward the Troll/Heal/Tank classes. In that case, the yellow mods shouldn't really matter to a DPS. Not a lot of reason for me to be terribly bothered by might/prec base mods as, in the end, they aren't going to significantly up my damage output while in controller role. Just like vit/resto/dom won't significantly increase any particular power back/healing/shielding for DPS.
  13. BumblingB I got better.

    I agree in the sense that you wouldn't be producing the same results as one who does, but it wont stop you from stacking precision in the reds even as a controller. A DPS can gain a lot more from stacking 4 yellows that are Power than Resto, Dom, or Vit. It also opens up the health to be able to be stacked in whatever role you want.

    In the end, Power wont be utilized, like every pure "Power Mod" and most mixed mods with power in it. And of course, controllers will prefer Vit, which is sad, they need to utilize dom more and make content... well that is for another thread.

    I just think overall, having them set this way makes sense in the idea as people say, "Pools, Damage, Support", but doesn't make sense for use.
  14. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Not everything will be useful for all roles. Each of my toons is geared and modded for both of their roles. These mods will benefit all of my toons equally since I actually use both of their roles all the time.

    I don't see a problem here. Free stats are free.
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  15. BumblingB I got better.

    That goes with the power of Dual Speccing there and really goes with the same before Armories, where you can grab both SP innates so you can merely hit "T". This kind of goes back to it. Either spec completely towards one role or dual spec to benefit both. Which limits your options further with your choices.

    I just think that following the RnD color system would benefit all players for speccing. *shrug* I seem to get the, "yeah, but it's fine" response. So I guess I'll let it go.
  16. Radium Devoted Player

    So I ran a few raids tonight and while their were some Teleporter drops in them (I assume the "Trash" ones don't drop in these, someone got Gotham/Metro and I got League and Base), nobody in the raids received any stat mods.

    Just wondering if they are meant to be exclusively rare like that.
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  17. Zinbik Developer

    The exact same list that contains the Gotham & Metropolis mod and the Bases and League Halls mod contains the top quality stat mods. There are 3 destination mods and 7 stat mods on that list. You happened to get 2 of the destination mods. Some might consider that lucky, some not so much.
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  18. BigAl Devoted Player

    Got a Central City mod off trash in TD. Will there be these for all separate locations (ie. Themy and Mogo)?
  19. tukuan Devoted Player

    Just an off-handed thought. It might be an idea to consider adding these and teleporter mods to the loot table for prom boxes. That is unless there's something new in the works to add to those tables.
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  20. Zinbik Developer

    The following DLC destinations are available:
    • Central City
    • Gotham Wastelands
    • Mogo Command Center
    • Ranx Command Center
    • Metropolis Battlezone
    • Themyscira Command Post
    • Gotham Under Siege
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