GU36 notes up on Test Server

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by 478874, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. Kid Sorbet New Player

  2. Phantasy2013 Dedicated Player

    So is PvP by far.
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  3. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    not when you scrim it isn't ;)

    I've run as much PVE as the next guy and it does become tedious as hell
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  4. Jamie New Player

    You and I both know that the dev's won't do any testing on the PS3. They will release it and then complain about having to work overtime because they broke the game.
  5. Skylez New Player

    NOOO Omgee my photon!!! Well looks like I'ma go nature!! :D
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  6. Mary Bliss Committed Player

    Killing regular rotations won't magically make everyone love WM if anything the opposite.
    Even if they do manage to slow down regular rotations enough for people to not do them anymore, we still looking at the problem of WM taking too long to execute.

    Does it really seem logically to you nerfing all enjoyment of combat to sell a DLC mechanic?

    WM in itself won't work getting interrupted left and right and it's doubly futile to also ruin non WM gameplay in the process.

    If macro with 0 animation is overly dominating pvp and turning people away by all means fix that.

    But trying to sell WM DLC by ruining everyone's rotations is so awful.

    I don't clip a lot myself and don't top dps scoreboards but I'd never ask that other people have their fun nerfed.
    They took the time to learn and explore their powers so it's completely fair they are ahead and part of the gameplay being able to evolve through manual skill, in what we were told was working as intended for 3 years.
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  7. PillowHands Committed Player

    A friend of mine said this, "Maybe they are nerfing everything so bad that we have to use WM when DLC 10 comes out."
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  8. Drakonicus New Player

    I dont see how. I know those changes were coming, for at least a month. When they they were going to change the animation on the powers, and because of that, some power would be faster, while others a little slower, what do you think they meant ?
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  9. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    Contrary to popular belief, there actually are people that play this game soley for PvP and others that play it soley for PvE. I lost the interest in PvP a year ago and haven't set foot in an Arena since. Sure there are new skill points to be gained and feats to be had but, due to the changes made over time, I have no interest in competitive PvP in this game anymore.

    I agree because it is their way of "putting everyone on a level playing field". If all the powers have similar animation times and everyone can pull off ridiculous damage with these weapon combos, "Balance is achieved"?
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  10. Drakonicus New Player

    I friend of mine once said "I am convinced they faked the man landing on the moon".
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  11. details26 Committed Player

    What's funny is that I thought I would stick with this game forever and thought the devs could do no wrong until immunities hit. That was my first time ever taking a full year off from the game.
    I remember before, everyone was raging and just quitting pvp saying it dumbed it down way to much and that there is no more skill, and how noobs will rise. Well it just so happens that half of what they said was true, but some skill is still needed to get the immunities. (Except shield, its more luck based and needs to be ''balanced'' in a update hopefully.) Yeah a lot of people left the game, but I'm sure some might have come back and grew Stockholm syndrome for it.

    Just like the hold range update, I was about to jet and delete this game after I heard, but when I played, it wasn't so bad and the damage was still acceptable and some better and much faster now.

    When this update comes, people will quit, and when they come back they will grow to accept it and go about there business until there are more things for people to complain about to which the devs will lean their ear to those few and ''balance'' more which will cause another uproar, more quitting, and people returning.

    Don't worry though this rides not over yet

    Edit: These few updates have strangely made weapon mastery seem more appealing, I wonder why:rolleyes:
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  12. Ice Lantern New Player

    Really you don't think that selling Respec tokens and constantly "re-balancing powersets" is exploiting customers? You don't think making raid drops better that vendor gear around the same time Replay Badges came out is exploiting customers?
  13. Ice Lantern New Player

    I am not saying it's asinine to make the alts to try out powers. I am saying it is asinine to say that you can make alts as an alternative when I clearly said I wanted to have the SP and the gear. Simply put, for what I said I want to do, making an alt is simply not a viable alternative.
  14. Agent Flores Committed Player

    I for one like some of the changes with this update. In about 2 and half years I would have to constantly adjust my mic before I play. Now the fix for that is in and I can only HOPE it can quell my RAGE for doing this on a daily basis.
  15. Archangel Rafael New Player

    /hi5 !

    Im just letting off a bit of steam and giving the ********(cause the brain is useless, just a hat for their ...) a nice helping of "eat it" that they so richly deserve.

    Anybody with any sense had to know this is coming. Anyone who ever watched a HL dps have what appeared to be a seizure while rolling off huge dmg numbers had to know that something wasn't really kosher about the whole system.

    When this game launched, newbs would shout "what is the best (roleX) power/weapon and the answer, proudly and truthfully, was "Whichever one you like best. They all work if you're good at them". Slowly at first, then more rapidly with the additional powers, that answer became less and less true. Imbalance grew and grew until there were 1-2 "best" powers for each role and 1-2 weapons to go with them.

    Anybody who has honestly ever been any good at any video game realized this was wrong. Imagine SFII or TEKKEN if there were 3 characters that were hands-down better than all the rest. Balance between options is one of the most elementary tenets of game design. Even my 12 yo newb-gamer son knows that.

    Still there were all these schmucks. All full of themselves from scoreboard euphoria (small brains vs. big numbers) that defended the garbage spaz-clipping for month after month and berated anyone who tried to talk sense about dps-clipping or power balance. They said "l2p" and "adapt" and "y u mad?" and "QQ moar" while bragging on themselves in every post possible day after day, month after month.

    Shoe is on the other foot now. It has created the most epic symphony of leettard QQ I have ever witnessed in 20 years of gaming and I was around SWG for the NGE (that QQ was pretty justified)

    Im loving it. The WM stuff looks super-fun to me. The balance adjustments are exactly what is needed and if I get to lmao at the misery of all these asshats as their lamesauce robo-rotation superiority is stripped away like the "emperor's new clothes" again I have to say : BONUS!
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  16. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    Maybe I am misinterpreting your argument on the topic, so forgive me I am. What I was saying in that you want the SP and the Gear immediately along with using the new power. The person who ops for an alt and wants to to have a highly leveled alt will have to grind it out where you only have to respec. You both have the same end goal but you chose to save time(making it more viable in eyes) and the other person chose to save money. If my reasoning still doesn't align with with you are saying we'll just have to shake and agree to disagree lol.
  17. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    That's what I was thinking.
  18. Heero Blaze Well-Known Player

    I guess on the one hand I'm looking at these changes and seeing the potential that more powers can be useful rather than just everyone following the same three or four power cookie cutter loadout.

    On the other hand, Mass Detonation was listed in the AoEs that will split after 2 targets and hit max 8 targets. Hitting more targets without splitting was how we all rationalized it being the power with the highest power cost, PI requirement, and random chance to do either very weak damage or very strong damage. I agree with others here that Fire and Ice will need a WIP thread to keep cast time (also Mental and Quantum have cast time powers I believe) powers balanced and viable after these changes.
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  19. Caseyyeah Committed Player

    Couldn't have said it better myself. I miss the days when I could make a new character and be able to pick whatever weapon, movement, and power combo I want and not have to worry about how the combination will perform later on. That was because I knew the discrepancies between them all weren't large enough for a particular combo to be ineffective. Like you said, that gradually changed along the way and we ended up in the unbalanced mess we have now.
    These changes were needed for balance. Sure, some things got nerfed and others got buffed but they'll all be on a more even (not perfect) playing field now.
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  20. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    IIRC Replays were introduced along the time that Battle for Earth arrived, right? If so, Amazonian was definitely inferior to T4 gear. If anything, people replayed Gates to get T4 gear faster and then replayed Prime for a weapon and/or chance at the Helm of OP. It wasn't until Origin Crisis that gear in the raids became better than Vendor gear, which seems fair IMO. You run the lower content to get marks to purchase Vendor gear which allows you to complete the new content.

    Upon completing the newer content you should be rewarded with better gear than the Vendor. In essence, I feel like WoTL got that right with Mogo/Ranx vendors and A&B but the fact that the CR requirement was a bit low ruined the concept.
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