Test Discussion GU139: Episode 46: Elite Plus

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Mepps, Nov 3, 2023.

  1. Bubbla Active Player

    Don’t mess with the lasso. Change the mech. Make the adds tick proximity damage, so if a squishier player wants to do it then they have either keep moving or stress the healers. Just my 2 cents.
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  2. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Lol the argument is that someone is using an artifact for its actual intended use of gathering adds dude. And especially a role designed to CC adds in a boss fight. How is that different than hard stunning all the adds in other raids?!? Are you even listening to yourself here? Is this some kind of ego thing where you dont think some people deserve to beat elite plus???? Also, It's no where close to the example of using repair bots..which I never even heard of but you always seem to "hear" about these exploits.

    It's also not like you can just put on this artifact and pull everything, it needs to be max level to be effective in this instance. Your argument is like saying anyone running with an extra tank is cheesing the system lmao. And if we are gonna start talking about using artifacts to make E+ easier, wtf does swapping do????
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  3. Spood Boost Well-Known Player

    LUL wut...

    weird perspective, who is ignoring the raid mechanic? they're using the artifact to comply with the mechanic and prevent the ghosts from getting to Hecate, you just subjectively don't like the way they're doing it, that's not ignoring mechanics, that just not doing it the way ObsidianChill wants you to do it...

    I wouldn't mind if the artifact was restricted to say tanks and controllers who have a legitimate reason to be controlling adds, it's odd that a DPS or a Healer is doing it, but that's about it. I don't question the validity of the strategy though nor the appropriate use of the artifact.
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  4. Spood Boost Well-Known Player

    The possible argument in favor is that you don't get to turn a persons artifact off just because you don't like them using it for what is clearly its absolute intended purpose, they built that artifact fair and square.
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  5. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Your argument means nothing. So it was intended for a Healer or DPS to be able to equip a tank artifact and a single target hard taunt pull and completely ignore the dom cap to pull multiple npcs easier than a tank can pull with their own abilities? You are focusing just on the controller role. ANY one in the entire raid group or everyone could use Lasso.

    "Needs to be max level" yea exactly, the group can't pass 2nd boss normally? ok here spend some money on an artifact and anyone in the entire group can wear it and make the encounter that much easier. How is running a 2nd tank cheesing the system? I honestly believe sometimes you just type things out without thinking of it first. The mechanic is designed to need a 2nd tank, to separate the thoughts from the boss because you can't do it as a solo tank and in event/normal/elite its not enough of an issue to warrant a 2nd tank. That is exactly why it has added impact in elite which the buffs and healing the boss. Having any role in the group swap 1 artfact on and completely negate the need for a 2nd tank is not the intention of the mechanic.

    If my ego comes from wanting content to stay challenging then yes I have the biggest ego in the game.
  6. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Having any role equip an artifact that ignores dom and does a better job at pulling adds than the actual tank does is not complying with a raid mechanic. That is literally destroying the integrity of the raid. The healer can be the perfect role to run lasso, there isn't anything to heal in that fight, if the thoughts aren't reaching hectate the only damage comes from a player getting hit by the various whirlpools, which can be dodged.

    The mechanic is designed to separate the thoughts from Hectate, since controllers don't have aoe pulls, and even munitions is only a 4 target and there are 8+ thoughts out at all times you would need a 2nd tank for this phase. Lots of mechanics are there in place to force different group combinations. When 1 200 artifact completely negates that entire mechanic that goes beyond "strategy" and needs to be address in order to keep the integrity of the raid. IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THAT THEN DON'T QUE ELITE PLUS ;)
  7. Spood Boost Well-Known Player

    The mechanic is designed to seperate the thoughts from Hecate, THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE DOING WITH THE LASSO, so you cannot say they are ignoring the mechanic THEY ARE NOT IGNORING THE MECHANIC.

    You just simply DO NOT LIKE the way they've chosen to overcome said mechanic and you are INSISTING ON YOUR OWN that ONLY SOLUTION is to take a second tank.

    You are conflating your issue with an artifact ignoring dominance with something else entirely, you could make the artifact have to require dominance and have to act like every other pull in the game, but that's not going to stop a controller for example being able to put it on and use it in an appropriately intended way...

    Seriously, you can't just sit there and tell people HOW they should be playing and then when they disagree with you or adopt a strategy you don't like, tell them DON"T QUE ELITE PLUS THEN, that's rude and dismissive of a quite genuine opposing opinion.
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  8. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    So basically ignore lasso arti and force people to level up grimbors. Which side are you on? But seriously, pulling adds with lasso as a dps or troll is fun imo. If you make adds immune to lasso then next time which artifact you want to ruin? Use 2 tanks or 1 tank and 1 other role with lasso, either fine.

    Unfortunetly you're right about prec players can switch easily between aoe and st. But building a boss fight on this instead of fixing that? So now we're here, that's just sad... :(
  9. Emoney Dedicated Player

    I honestly think you can't read what I type and understand the comparison of a tank doing the mechanic as does a controller with the artifact lol. Anyone doing the mechanic would be cheesing the fight right?!? [Sarcasm] It's only hard if the mechanic is not followed. And I'm not the one that initially said controller, you were. I also stated a DPS or Healer doing it is a bit odd, but if they have the artifact and the group can't find a second tank, then so be it....they are still following mechanics and using an artifact as intended. Unlike you and some of your DPS friends swapping away, stacking buffs, dropping extra orbitals, preventing stacks from dropping, all to get way more damage to make the ENTIRE raid easier.

    You can't really be serious in this thread right now.
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  10. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    So its ok for you to be entirely hypocritical about other artifact swaps and not being working as intended but ok with others? If a tank wants to use lasso to gather the adds because the tank finds that easier, so be it. If a role is going to equip a power they would never use, to ignore game mechanics (dominance) with the sole purpose of being allowed to do something your role would never be normally intended to do, than that is working against the raid design. When it doesn't matter in lower tier content that can be viable, but not used in content with a specific design purpose. If you as a player want rely on that to complete it, perhaps is wasn't the right content for you. A good group would know they could do it just as easily without leveling a 200 artifact just to cheese an instance.

    If you can't find a reason to want to defend the integrity of content, perhaps also this isn't the right feedback thread for you and you should focus on the Ability Changes one.

    Have a wonderful night
  11. Emoney Dedicated Player

    How can you be arguing for integrity when you know that swapping artifacts have unintended effects, and bypass intended mechanics of the artifacts (like stacks dropping, or timed procs) to increase damage which then makes the raid easier...

    Versus an artifact designed for all roles using an iconic ability designed for everyone that is specifically for pulling and grouping adds?!?

    I didn't design the artifact lol. But it's also being used as intended. There's absolutely nothing in this scenario that goes against how the artifact is intended. You just don't like how it allows non tanks to do tank stuff, and frankly that's your opinion, not an exploit. And further, why should it matter if it's elite or elite plus versus event and regular??? That doesn't even make sense. The mechanic is the same in all content dude. All that does is make you sound extremely elitist.

    Don't try to insult me then say have a wonderful night lol.

    You want a challenge, you want intended difficulty? Stop swapping artifacts lol. I'm not the hypocritical one here, I want all artifacts to work as intended, and you have yet to prove how Lasso isn't.
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  12. Spood Boost Well-Known Player

    I spec super strength, I spec clown box, I spec batarangs for fun or because it does something I want, they're iconic abilities, people can spec whatever they want with their skill points, you don't get to tell people you can't use lasso because you ObsidianChill says you shouldn't be doing it, take a step back and listen to what you're saying, just for a moment.

    You're telling people what they should or shouldn't be doing and then taking away their abilities, it's way too excessive, you need to dial back the control of other players.
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  13. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    "I didn't design the artifact lol. But it's also being used as intended." Just about sums up everything anyone needs to know. Just like what Ranmaru said. You say swapping artifacts bypass intended mechanics of artifacts yet since their creation have any developers said anything before 2023? So working as intended from 2017-2023* but now its not working as intended? When Lasso of Truth came out if it was only non-tank roles using it to exploit the dominance cap then im sure there may have been similar discussions back then that players like you are having now about other artifacts :rolleyes:

    Was I swapping any artifacts in my Elite Plus Alert video? Was I swapping any artifacts in any of the DPS clips posted in this thread from Elite Plus Raid? and when I clear the Elite Plus Raid on test guess what you won't see any artifact swaps in that either. But do tell how im being the hypocritical one here.
  14. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Bro, you literally were the first one to make a video on YouTube on how to swap artifacts...You've gotten direct income from that.

    And yeah, that quote means what it says. The devs made an artifact for an iconic ability for EVERYONE. Not just tanks, not just controllers. You had zero issue for regular content, but oh no, don't use it for your precious elitist only content....because this content is for the bestest players only and not everyone should be able to beat it. That's how you sound.

    As to your new videos, I dunno, I try not to give you views. But you aren't trying to get backlash over swapping so I'd assume you'd avoid showing the most controversial swaps that you and I both know exist. The difference is, I DONT DO THAT STUFF. And I will continue to support an artifact being used as intended versus not.
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  15. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Clownbox is one of the better aoe supercharges lol? I spec it too for powers that don't have a good 5k and neo isn't the best choice. A interesting argument though. Players aren't specing lasso for the singular purpose of using lasso to cheese content, they are doing it because its fun for them to cosplay as wonder woman using a truth lasso on npcs to make them tell no lies.

    I am taking a step back, you refuse to see any sort of balance within content that is designed for the sole purpose of being a challenge. What is the point of having the Thoughts apply a stronger buff and heal Hectate? why change them at all when lasso makes any change irrelevant. If groups are going to run or level a 200 artifact just to make it that much easier to pass a boss, and I apply the same logic to the group wearing lazarus to get a no death feat, then that is poor raid design, which is the entire purpose of this feedback thread.

    I am trying to keep everyone on a level field and apply the same difficulty to Elite Plus content. I would have said the same feedback about lasso on the adds in SWE+ at the time if I had the opportunity. I would ask why the desperate attempt to make Elite Plus easier? If your group doesn't have a 2nd tank, which is already entirely reasonable for Elite Plus content then you better hope you dps are good enough to kill the thoughts. Not just have 1 role swap on lasso and boom easy clear.

    You wonder why DCUO stopped making powerful augments apart of episodes where if you ranked them they gave tremendous advantage's such as the DOT in clocktower elite and the omeaga beam in fractured godshere :rolleyes::rolleyes:
  16. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    That video was over 2 years ago, and again no problems there with swapping its only until later that the community has an issue with it. I don't swap in videos because the viewing experience is terrible and im showing you don't need to do it to clear content. The community thinks 1) swapping arts = automatically a better player 2) is required to beat content apparently or you'll get kicked from groups.
  17. Emoney Dedicated Player

    That video also didn't show the exploits that have come as a result of swapping like the things I mentioned above. Many combinations have occurred since then, as have many more artifacts been created. It's been a compounding problem over the years.

    We also can't see what the other 3 or 7 players are doing during your test videos, can we?. Just because you aren't swapping (at that time) doesn't mean they arent.

    Regardless, it's not this content. Apparently you have an issue with Lasso. I don't really get why you care now, as I can do the same thing you are doing....why didn't you have an issue on day 1 of the lasso artifact?????
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  18. Spood Boost Well-Known Player

    There's no desperate attempt to make elite+ easier, there's just me and others it would seem providing feedback that you shouldn't be altering content to render an artifact useless because you don't like what that artifact is doing after you've already designed it for that specific purpose, in a marketing scenario that would be called a "bait and switch".

    This is a feedback thread for everyone and I didn't take exception to any piece of your feedback other than when you started trying to control how a group might choose to decide how they overcome a puzzle or mechanic within an instance.

    If a person has the lasso leveled up to rank 160+ and they want to undertake the task of controlling those thoughts by themselves then there's no problem with that in my mind, it still requires some level of skill because as you demonstrated you have to move around collecting them, that could quite quickly turn in to a real mess, so let's not pretend like it's completely void of any meaningful undertaking.

    The fact you're also happy for a tank to do it, but no one else, exposes in itself massive flaws in your position and the solution, what you're doing is just trying to impose your own subjective will on the development of the content, rather than letting the players in any given group choose what they'll take or what they'll use, they might choose to take 2 tanks or they might choose to take a lasso user, more power too them and ensuring the game allows for that flexibility is at least in my opinion the best direction. I have said my piece.
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  19. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    There is no flaw lol, if you want to justify that its working as intended and refuse to accept actual raid balance then a tank should be the role using it not another role where they are exploiting dominance. All raids have dominance caps and lasso of truth removes it. It is just magnified more when the npcs don't even attack themselves so aggro is irrelevant. Then at least the tank is making the conscious decision instead of hey you run this so we don't need a 2nd tank. A dps or controller swapping artifacts and having effects last doesn't exploit anything related to raid content. A dps could swap 10 arts and still deal terrible damage. A controller could swap 10 arts and power could still be a issue. Lasso usage actually impacts the raid, just like when Lazarus was being swapped to be immortal, that was patched because that impacted the raid not even being able to die. When an artifact breaches and ignores raid mechanics then content should be adjusted as such. It hasn't been before because Event-Normal and regular Elite is pointless to adjust. CTelite was being cleared with 4 players and no healer, any change wouldn't have had any impact.

    pressing 1 button is hard yes. Meaningful skill there
  20. FixMyPower Active Player

    Bolt sport colas got nerfed in fgse because they broke the cages when consumed. If i remember correctly, their description was something along the lines of : explodes/damage nearby objects. When people used those to break out of cages in FGSe, it got nerfed on the spot because it allowed people to bypass a mechanic. This is a very similar situation and i feel like it would only be fair if the devs handle this the same way they handled it during fgse. I don't think the devs created this (garbage) raid wanting non-tank roles to pull the adds with an artifact. It's stupid and extremely cheesy, just like the bolt sport drink during FGSe.