Test Discussion GU139: Ability Balance Changes

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Mepps, Nov 3, 2023.

  1. Cypharr Committed Player

    What's the ETA on GU139?
  2. sepp_123 New Player

    With all of these pet buffs and upgrades, how come the collectors edition bat drone/joker balloon hasnt recieved the same love? i mean it is a PAID for item. When a player buys a collectors edition version of a game, they are taking a chance on that games success. In this case the game is still ongoing after 12 years of activity. With that been said, it should be on par with all the other pets as far as damage is concerned.
  3. Concerned Player000 New Player

    Two points as I don't do this often...

    1. Bring back the sorcery Aura it is one of the things that makes sorcery look bad a**. I have no idea why it would cause issue when its been around for years and makes the power set look powerful.

    2. Brick Sucks outside of reg content no matter what attacks he uses.

    Earth might be more relevant if it wasn't the only tank power that couldn't heal itself. Even ice which technically doesn't heal itself has the restorative shield augment which has synergy with amount of available shields in its loadout. Earth has one shield that can be interrupted (still trying to figure out how that makes sense) and the hard light shield (the one everyone has access to). Its pretty irrelevant if the boss breaks your shield with one punch so you have to either already be over-powered to survive or run away from the boss to survive.

    Brick can be one shotted in elite content every Tank power is better than earth changing bricks attacks make no difference. The sorcery golem is more useful at least he taunts. If you want, you could copy and paste and your update is done and he'd be a beefier golem with bricks aesthetics.

    Earth tanks have to work extremely hard because survivability is low. the small tick heals from the few moves that offer restorative attributes do not save you in challenging content. Compared to every other tank power instead of focusing on Bricks attacks I'd recommend balancing to get the low-end powers up to par we don't need nerfs we need buffs to create variety so people dont feel like they have to be the same power to be relevant.

    I don't post often but we are missing the mark and ruining an aspect of the game I love. I didn't know the sorcery aura was an issue and honestly I'm hoping a baby player didn't make it an issue its literally one of the best things about sorcery. Losing it is just disappointing because its needless. I've been sorcery since the beginning even when it was nerfed to oblivion and back. I'll still be sorcery after you take this away but I don't understand why we have to lose the cool factor.
  4. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I would agree if the whole playstyle of the power set as a whole was designed specifically around being a pet class. However that’s not the case. They have powerset exclusive pets but it’s not like that’s the identity of these power sets. Both sets have builds other than pet build.

    Let’s say sorc was exclusively a pet class and then mercy made all other classes be able to do the same thing. Then that would be a different story as every single power could do the exact same and sorc would be left without anything special. At that point yes fury should be best.

    I’d also like to point out that fury is performing a lot better than rsk, with it without mercy.
    Crystal is a bit more inconsistent. At times it does better, other times worse. Hopefully it gets another look soon. But for now, these changes did help crystal a bit.
  5. Cold Fusion Well-Known Player

    I don't understand why they have let Crystal be so much weaker than Fury. They both take up 2 slots in loadout and take the same amount of time to activate.
    It's sad that robot sidekick can out preform Crystal when you have Mercy Artifact to give power to it.

    Crystal's base damage needs to be increased for sure.
    Hopefully they do something while they are tweaking these pets.

    Obsidian just did a video as well and the numbers are not even close.
  6. Emoney Dedicated Player

    I won't get into Earth, since I only DPS with it occasionally, and even then, I don't play it enough. So I don't really have anything to add to the discussion.

    But Sorcery, I love that aura. I based my style on it. Picked a material and aura that blends well with it. My toon is gonna look pretty plain and ugly without it honestly. I do not understand how it could even be an issue. It's unique, and one of, if not the best, aura effects in the game.

    Kinda like the blue fire us fire people had for a short time during the AM days. I loved that blue fire, still wish we had it.
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  7. appocolyps Committed Player

    Yes i see where you are coming from, in reality i think the main issue is Crystal, she is currently doing on average 25% less damage than Fury as confirmed by Obsidian Chill in his latest testing, since the damage buff to Crystal on test she is actually doing almost 2% less damage compared to her prior numbers.

    Perhaps the dev working on this update could take a look at Crystals numbers for us and give her a little love?
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  8. Unknown1 Active Player

    Can something be done about the Mercy green rings as well. I love the art and use it but the rings cause problems trying to see what is going on.
  9. Proxystar #Perception

    I disagree, the pets are a massive part of the identity of those power sets that the developers diminished when they created Mercy and pushed RSK in every one elses direction, rather than improving the power sets that were built around pets first.

    It's not my game, I don't choose the vision by any means, but that was a move or part of the vision I disagree with. I disagreed with it then, I disagree with it now.

    I have no real issue if RSK were to be equal with the primary power set pets, but unfortunately that's not the case and until it's fixed I will remain unhappy about it.

    Crystal is broken asf, end of story.

    Oh and the fact that Crystal is so worse than Fury even, and shoulders are just shrugged about it... terrible, just terrible.
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  10. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    As far as i know the overall damage potential of Earth is higher than Sorcery. I think that's the main reasoning behind that. Of course we could say a Nature dot with a powercost of 300 is much better than a 300 powercost dot from Ice, but that doesn't mean that they should be equal just for the sake of it.

    Now, i can't speak for Rsk vs. Crystal but iirc, it was said that the power specific pets should always outperform Rsk if the PI is applied.
    I don't know the current damage difference but if Rsk hits more than Crystal with PI applied, i would support the idea of Crystal getting buffed to slightly overtake Rsk. If no PI is applied, i think it's fair to have Rsk do more damage.
  11. Vikaluka Level 30

    [IMG]Here is some numbers to show the impact of BOP to pet damage, and without PI or any damage buff. The gap between Fury and Crystal is just unbelievable at the moment.
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  12. Concerned Player000 New Player

    Use a different power. Done! oh... and move.
  13. Proxystar #Perception

    In what respect?
  14. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    He means in terms of a full rotation
  15. Proxystar #Perception

    So your argument is that you have Crystal be inferior through Earth making it up elsewhere (not that I necessarily agree), I'd accept that if it weren't for the fact they've started promoting pet builds, so such a justification just doesn't fly now.
  16. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    The issue comes when trying to compare fury crystal and rsk in a vacuum and not taking any other factors into account.

    If it were just fury crystal and rsk than rsk if best pet.
    Add fortify and offering and the order changes to fury > crystal > rsk
    Add mercy and it’s fury > crystal/rsk

    But it’s not that simple. You have to also take into account to potential output of the powersets. Let’s say turret was a power set let that functioned like fury and crystal. Should turret have the same output as fury? No. Gadgets as a power set performs better than sorcery. So its pet shouldn’t have the same output as sorcery.
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

    I disagree, the pets should be equal, if the potential of the power sets aren't equal then that is a separate issue, you don't balance the pets around the perception of other potential because it creates a hot mess when other imbalances occur.
  18. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Yes, I'll be sure to move when those players trap me up against the mailbox.
  19. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    But what if that is part of the balance? They gave X power a stronger pet specifically because that’s how they intend said power set to be balanced around? Pets are just powers after all
  20. Proxystar #Perception

    It would be fine if the game remained static, but when they introduce allies and artifacts that start to alter pets, they shift the balance without reconsidering the reason why they may have had it a certain way to begin with.
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