Dev Discussion GU 44: Quantum Advanced Mechanics Feedback

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Tunso, Feb 3, 2015.

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  1. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    most people don't have anywhere near 197 sp so i'm not surprised at all you beat them. the fact a lot of players get carried to t6 and have 50 sp could never keep up to you no matter what power they were and theres many who float around 100sp and i myself only have 132sp and i've been working on them a long time and just don't get very many any more so i'm sure you would beat all my toons as well

    sometimes its hard to tell if the power is op or the player is. sp is everything in this game and those with the most sp will always be on top unless they are just bad players
  2. Ljubinka Well-Known Player

    And I have been raiding every day since launch of the lastest DLC and my personal experience is this: Nothing beats quantum dps except another quantum dps. If u match a good dps player with quant powerset u will see other ones left in dust.
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  3. chaotic3430 Committed Player

    Why do people have to keep crying like babies over whatever power is the top power at the moment? Is Quantum beast, yes because it is the newest. So was Gadgets, HL, Rage, etc. If you are going to cry about every power being better than others at the moment, and calling for a nerf everytime, then how are we going to have progression with the other powers? You people calling for a nerf are just calling for a reduction of all powers in the end, because if they nerf Quantum, then Ice, HL and Gadgets will be OP and then you will cry for a nerf of those powers. How about you wait a couple of weeks so you can cry about Celestial being OP, or Rage after it's update, or the next. I like my Quantum and have been waiting a long time for the AM, I also like my Electric toon as well and can put out just as much damage with that toon. Both my toons have relatively the same DPS stats and perform very close to the same in all instances. The only thing I like more about my Quantum is that I get more power back, making it better in Solo and Duo content.
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  4. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    It's not that we are crying for a nerf and we didn't started it . Devs promised us with balance and atm THERE IS NO BALANCE period so qauntum nerf must happen sooner or later
  5. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    Ik man it's redicules how when HL was op every player complained but now qauntum is op and people are like " nah it's working as intended " smh
  6. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    Yup they used the wrong loudout
  7. chaotic3430 Committed Player

    Really?! Quantum was the last power to get it's AM! Celestial is the first to get it's revamp towards BALANCE! The Devs have said that once all powers received their AM, which just happened, they would start working towards balance hoping to be finished by June. So how does nerfing whatever power is considered to be the best at the moment help towards balance? How about we let them bring the other powers inline, instead of ruining the powers of others. Be patient and wait for your power's turn for it's revamp, nobody had to wait longer for their AM than Quantum users. And now you are calling for them to ruin it.
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  8. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Easier to bring one power in line with all the other powers rather being bringing the all of the other powers in line with one.
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  9. chaotic3430 Committed Player

    No, that would be a band aid on an amputation. Plugging and playing with powers along the way is firing from the hip, if you want the problem fixed then you need to establish a baseline and bring everything in line to that baseline. So, if Quantum is the new baseline, now they have a target for damage per second. Now they just need to bring the other powers to that baseline instead of constantly nerfing and buffing, then nerfing again. Case in point would be HL, would you like to see another 9 months wasted in trying to fix something only to break it, and be left to fix even more problems. Now you have to deal with that on a scale with all 12 powers.
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  10. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    Quantum is literally the one trick pony of the powers, literally only one side of the tree was effected by advanced mechanics.
    I don't at all see why people complain before other powers get fixed.

    'hey guys we're going to fix the powers one at a time. This round isn't your power but it's coming'


    Just chill out and wait for some other balance changes first.
    It's mainly pve, just get your head off the scoreboard and more into 'hey we finished'
    As a healer it's so annoying to hear people bragging about their damage out after we've wiped 6 times because a dps won't move or react and has caused several people to drop trying to pick them up, all to top that chart.
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  11. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    So having OP power now is balance ? Then explain to me why there is a test server ha? Why? It's to test the powers and see if it need adjustment right ? Then why they still release it with its opness? Why?
  12. chaotic3430 Committed Player

    Maybe because Quantum is the goal they had for the powers, you talk about how awesome it is. Now they have the oppotunity to revamp the others to make them all like Quantum. Is it really chance that each AM they put out seemed to be better than the last (minus Mental, which I have used and is not as bad as people make it out to be, though still not as "OP" as others is decent, though boring). By comparison on youtube, Celestial is beating out Quantum on the Test Server, though not by much, are we all going to cry over Celestial being too OP when it comes out too? What about the next power? I know I am not going to cry about it, in fact I want to go into an instance with a Celestial DPS, when the update comes out and compete with them for damage for the fun of it. If they beat me so be it, at least if they do it will mean that as a group we put out lots of damage and finished the raid smoother and faster. I hope all the powers get the attention that the others get, they are all brought on line with Quantum's AM. I may want to play with other powers and not have to determine which by whether or not I can put out enough damage to be comparable, but I don't want to do at the expense of having to nerf others powers so that they are brought down just to justify mine not being very good. I would rather mine is brought UP, so that the group damage is higher, so we can run Throne or future content more smoothly.
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  13. lanternknight Committed Player

    Actually you are delusional. I have seen plenty of powers beat and compete with quantum. You just don't want to admit that fact. You just want complain because you yourself are having a hard time topping the charts. Everytime a revamp or new power comes out cry babies want to come on hear to cry about the power beccause they are no longer top dog with their power. It is really pathetic.

    Quantum's pure damage potential is no better than nature's. It has been proven. I also have both powers. Along with four others. Gadgets is also up there with quantum. All these nerf threads do is ruin the powers which once again make them unbalanced. People need to seriously shut up and let the devs do their jobs. Instead of them doing it and then having to nerf because you guys are crying and then turn around to have to fix and nerf again. The powers are being revamped. Keep mouth closed and let them be revamped. Then they will be revamped and balanced.
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  14. Predicament Well-Known Player

    Has anyone ever considered that Quantum could be the first to be the setting stone for all other powers to be that powerful and strong? No of course not, because if one out performs(which quantum does) everyone wants the be dragged back down to make things "balanced", Like people say it's easier to work on one power than buff all? Maybe that's what they are doing...? All power from this point on be just as strong, Celestial from test servers is pretty powerful, balance is subjective in this sense because if they loop around and make every power just as strong. Seems like everyone here has the same mentality, when someone or something excels, drag the back down, since quantum has been out there have been more complaints about nerfing than buff other powers, and Im not saying do all of them at once, if everyone really cares about "Balance" why not focus all the energy behind one of the weakest powers and rally for them to bring it up? Why can't we all get behind Fire or Earth or Mental, pick one and rally together to improve ONE POWER? Just a thought, instead of cry that one power is better than the rest, strive to another the same and then another
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  15. Goldstomp Active Player

    Well I am loving the Quantum AM on my alts. It is just a shame that I like them too much because I'm not using my main character very much anymore... PLEASE BUFF EARTH'S JACKHAMMER DAMAGE NEXT! I miss pounding the ground for an hour to kill wave of enemies.
  16. lanternknight Committed Player

    You guys need to seriously stop with all the lame nerf threads. This is why this game will never experience balance. No matter what the devs do you nerf crying scoreboard chasing criers will cry for nerfs. Every single time the devs come out with a new power or revamp you cry for a nerf. When WM came out you actually cried for a nerf to ice. Ice!? Really? lol. Because WM helped it be a better dps power. Yet the power itself never changed. The truth of the matter with you people has nothing to do with a power supposedly being OP. It has to do with your own selfish intentions of not liking being on top of the leaderboards. Like being on top of the leaderboards make you special. You think you helped accomplish anything in the raid with you being on top of the leaderboard? You didn't. It takes a team to beat raids. All of you need to get over yourselves. If you are not going to complain about your own power. And when I say own, I mean the one that you play on that most. Not some alt you play around with on occasions. Then don't comment about other peoples powers.

    Learn to understand when you nerf one power then the power that was top before the new power will be the OP power again. Then nerf complaints will then happen for that power. Which will just continue and continue. Which is what was the case with weapons. Everyone complained about damage a certain weapon could do. Once that was nerfed they then noticed another weapon was capable of doing the same damage. So, that one then got nerfed.

    I think by now you get the point. No matter what happens you people will cry for nerfs simply because of your own selfish motives. Not because you care about the game. So, do everyone a favor and stay quite and let the devs continue revamping all the powers. Once they are all revamped without any receiving nerfs, then we can decide what is what with the powers. And when I say that I mean within a static environment conducive for testing. Not in a instance with many different variable. Including bad players.
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