GU 41... in my opinion.

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by PaxDietatem, Sep 28, 2014.

  1. PaxDietatem New Player

    uneducated? but, you don't have access to test server though... and you DARE argue with me about changes you haven't experienced or tested yourself? *GASP*

    It's not uneducated, if you've test it... it's an opinion with which you can't argue with or about do to your lack of experience with the matter at hand.:p
  2. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    His sig refers to how many tourneys he has won.
    There is no tournaments Arenas [AS OF YET]. Don't worry he will be adding that to his signature soon.
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  3. PaxDietatem New Player

    50 percent is the highest dmg mod that is useable in PvP, and can be attained by every power...
    I obviously referenced what PvP will be with these changes, and HT is obviously not included...

    lol, you are trying to correct, a true statement to NO avail again.
  4. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    I believe you are talking about modifiers[?]. There are 60% modifiers if you did not know.
  5. PaxDietatem New Player

    you aren't even playing the game until GU 43... you don't have access to test server... and you are SERIOUSLY trying to argue with me?! I'm sorry, but I will have to pull rank. This thread is for people who have actually tested these things. sooooo yea. You can place your opinion here, but you can't simply argue with somebody telling them that they're wrong, when you have no experience, you can add your thoughts, but I don't think its fair for you to attempt to call me wrong.:rolleyes:
  6. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    There are arena tournaments coming. [From a Dev][With a official post][With people ready to sign up]. I don't see what my break has anything to do with my opinions. Clutch has tested these things and you are denying his opinions by "Hurr durr you play legends".
    Congratulation on not managing to brag about how powerful Celestial is on the OP tho.
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  7. PaxDietatem New Player

    "50 percent is the highest dmg mod that is useable in PvP, and can be attained by every power..."

    don't call people uneducated when you can barely read something that you quoted... you don't want to be wrong so bad, and that's not helping this thread.
    When I'm right, I'm right... everything else is a matter of opinion with which you have no experience to disagree with because you haven't tested it, nor are you even playing the game as of recent.

    I CLEARLY said, 50 percent is the highest damage mod... so ofc I'm talking about dmg mods, it's not what you BELIEVE I'm talking about, if I clearly stated it... if that's not bad enough, you dare try to correct me, and fail again. 50 % dmg mods are the HIGHEST useable in PvP, and can be attained by every power. People don't use 60% dmg mods in PvP... you can't even argue that case.
  8. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Just because people don't use it, does not it does not exist. Good try tho. Will remember that technique when people say to buff up certain characters or powers. "I dont see it so it does not exist"
    I carry mass det on my PvP loudout and it works fine in groups or even in 2v2 situation.
    Nice to have you back Nyema.
  9. PaxDietatem New Player

    OP? Celestial is slow as all hell, and its dots are terribly nerfed... what do you mean "OP"
    Malediction/Benediction is slow, and is an INTERRUPTABLE combo...

    and no, I am not denying his opinions... I'm just letting him know, that he has a clear bias towards the change because he is a legends player. Is that not the truth, you can't have an discussion with people who present open biases, and then dare to say "I'm not serious"
  10. kobetory08 New Player

    i understand you wanting rage to be nerfed ,the healing i mean, as long as its in arenas though in pve if the dps couldnt heal back 100 percent trying to melee would in some cases seem to risky causing players to avoid melee when the power was meant to melee. and remorseless recovery in tank mode on average give me only 300 to 700 health back o when in pvp my health is 20,000 thats a very small portion and for dps you would get 100- 200 heals max so i dont know why that needed a nerf
  11. PaxDietatem New Player

    but is a 60% attainable by every power... you fail again.
  12. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    OP=Original Post. Don't know where you got where I said celestial was OP. I assumed the goddess Nyema was going to talk about Celestial.
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  13. PaxDietatem New Player

    Great to be back ! Had to put my two cents in because I pvp... like a lot. And I'm not on hiatus from the game like you are... so I can afford to place my two cents in for changes that will openly affect me.
  14. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    There are clearly 60% modifiers. You could have just said "The highest modifiers usable by all power sets are 50%" instead of barking on about how you are right about 50% being the flat out highest.
    Better choice of words next time?
  15. PaxDietatem New Player

    I was thinking in both senses... OP as in overpowered, and OP as in original post.
    and No, I don't use celestial...
  16. PaxDietatem New Player

    its ok hun, I know what I meant, you know what I meant...
  17. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Okay so use better choice of words next time before you bark up that you are right :p.
    /bow /blowkiss
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  18. kobetory08 New Player

    in pvp i would like to see my rage toon use relentless anger but it only produce the dmg part not the healing i believe dps should not be able to heal in pvp, again raids and pve are an exception because wihout relentless anger it would be close to impossible to melee i remember being in lockdown and i was doing a wm combo and i got hit for 8k only had 8102 health so without it i would basically have died. i think that all melee powers should have a rage crash mechanic like for Hl maybe its just a suggustion
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  19. PaxDietatem New Player

    but I was right thougho_O
    you obviously understood what I meant after I explained it... so don't say I'm wrong for YOU misinterpreting my words, that's on you. 50% is the highest in PvP, and is useable by all powers. Nobody is going to have enough power for a 60% but you wouldn't know that, because you don't have test server...
  20. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    I thought we just discussed this "50% is the highest damage modifier usable in PvP by all powers" I would not have to misinterpret anything if you could string 2 clauses properly.
    Could have sworn Spartacus was also using Mass det in PvP testing videos.
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