Group Transducer needs work

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Savior Prime, Jan 4, 2022.

  1. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    It doesn't really heal very much in current content... a supercharge heal is supposed to be like an "OH CRAP" button, but this power only heals against Grodd in DoomedDC around 4000 per tick. When he or other adds in the raid are hitting in the 10k-20k per hit, a slow 20-30k heal over time really doesn't mean much... and the sheild part of is WAY too easily broken. A supercharge shield that uses 100 percent of your supercharge should protect you for as long as the power is active... not until they hit it with a one shot so powerful it could overpower it and kill you too. Sheilds seem so weak when ADDS are hitting us for 100k or if not one shot us, can 2 shot us.... ADDS!!!! the trash before the bosses.

    I just tested it on the adds out in open world Doomed DC... just 5 of them took my full supercharge shield down in less than 3 seconds. What good is that?
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    This power was ruined when they decided to play around with powers rather than nerf the EOG.
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  3. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    Yep, they could’ve at least reworked the shields in some form to compensate
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  4. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    Its the same with or without EOG...
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  5. Proxystar #Perception

    Nah that's not what I meant :)

    People were complaining back in the day about abusing group transducer and spamming green circles so they changed it along with a bunch of other supers to "stop the spam" the only reason it was changed was because people didn't want their "I paid for my artifact don't dare you touch it" nerfed, so instead they adjusted all the powers around it, the irony of course is take a look at what's still being spammed in all the elite end game groups ;)

    I'll give you a clue it's green and restores super ;)
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