Up-Votes Needed Granted Items Gone

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by GameOnEnd, Oct 1, 2021.

  1. GameOnEnd New Player

    All of the Batman Day granted items are gone from my granted items list. I still see my other unclaimed items there like the Flashpoint augments, Batman lair decoration items, etc.
    They were listed there yesterday and now they're not.
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  2. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    September 30th was the last day to claim them, so if you did not actually claim them on a character before then, they might be gone for good, sadly.

    Are you on PC, or PlayStation, or Xbox, or Switch? Knowing your platform will allow us to tell you what to do to check for the granted items.
  3. GameOnEnd New Player

    I am on PC. I'm just confused I guess. Typically rewards are granted by logging in on the day/days for the event. Claiming them on a character is usually a thing you can do any time, or they are automatically claimed on the first character that logs in after the event. Why would you be granted items and then have them taken away?
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  4. Ultimus Primus Well-Known Player

    no one took them from you. you HAVE to claim them to keep them.. certain items need to be claim by a certain amount of time.. example the unstable seal that expires in 7 days and if you dont claim it in time its gone..
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  5. GameOnEnd New Player

    Sorry we disagree. I guess my understanding of the word granted means it's been given to me already by virtue of being active in the time frame. For example, I have rewards that still sit unclaimed from past anniversary events. They've been sitting there for years.

    I don't know what these are (I haven't played in years).
    I do know that neither on the welcome screen nor on the granted items pop-up did it say "claim these or they will be removed".
    If someone earned a limited reward they should get it. Period. Force it into their inventory, put it in their mail, etc. There's no excuse.
    Maybe that's what was supposed to happen, how can I know without asking if it's a bug or not?
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  6. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    It was a limited time reward and you are given a choice to claim it if you want it. Items being forced into your inventory could be seen as being intrusive. Always pay attention to the Announcement threads when it comes to limited time rewards.
  7. GameOnEnd New Player

    Intrusive? It's a game built around collecting things. Giving someone something they've earned is not intrusive. When you complete a collection and an appearance shows up in the mailbox, are you upset? This argument is not valid, sorry.

    That would be good info to relay to people in an in-game message. You know, put a "gift expires in..." countdown on the granted items pop-up. Having to go to a game's forums to search for dev posts is terrible design if that's the way it is.

    Either way, I'll wait for an actual Daybreak response on whether it's on purpose or not.
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  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    You didn't earn it though. It was just a celebratory gift from DC that was granted to everyone. You chose to ignore it and it went away.

    Yes in-game messaging would always be best. Other than the forums they also have a webpage, a Twitter and a Facebook to announce these special limited times events:
  9. GameOnEnd New Player

    This is the text from the 3 posts you referenced (which I of course never saw, but that's neither here nor there).
    I know you don't work for the company, but please explain to me where their informative posts told me I had to redeem them on a character before the date?
    I did earn it, you again are wrong. It says to "claim" the gifts, this means they are mine now, I need to log in during those dates. I did that.
    Again, I'll wait for someone that represents the company to answer the question asked, is claiming my gifts and then having them taken away intended or not?
    I'm good on outsiders' opinion on whether I can read and understand plain English or not.
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  10. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    But you didn't claim them, hence why you lost them. You might want to claim the other stuff you have sitting in purgatory before those expire too.
  11. Ultimus Primus Well-Known Player

    He's just trolling now! we both tried to explain it to him in clear English.
  12. GameOnEnd New Player

    I question your reading comprehension skills. According to their posts, I did claim them. What you are saying is that I didn't take them into my inventory on a character. Literally nowhere does it say I have to do this in order to keep the items.
    I believe by definition it's you 2 that are trolling. At no point have I asked for either of your responses. I asked a question in a technical support forum which I would like a real response from an employee for. You can both use all the "clear English" you'd like, but you don't represent nor speak for the company. Anything you say is your opinion. I'll just ignore you now and wait for customer service to fix my issue.
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  13. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Have you actually contacted customer support, or have you just posted here (a public forum, where everybody can reply, whether you agree with them or not)?
  14. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Once an item has been granted to you you have to physically claim that item. See image, bottom right corner. The item does not go into your possession until you claim it. I apologize if this is all too confusing for you.
  15. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Actually, let's go to the Official Announcement!

    So, the Original Poster is CORRECT -- If they logged in between September 16th and September 30th, 2021, then they're entitled to claim the gifts. Nothing was stated that the items had to be CLAIMED by September 30th.

    An email to Customer Support would seem to be in order at this point.
  16. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    From a wholly technical standpoint, the OP is correct as Jack pointed out above. I believe what the post meant is that they had to be claimed by September 30th, but the way it's worded says that you only had to log in in order to be eligible. The post should have said something like "Players must log in and claim these items by September 30th" if the devs planned on making them unavailable after Sept. 30th even to those who had logged in but not claimed them in that window.