Golden Exobyte Question

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Davenport, Feb 8, 2019.

  1. Davenport Committed Player

    I haven't played in a long time and recently came back to this. I'm curious though, are the Golden Exobytes that come in the box supposed to have random exp amounts? The ones I got on my main amounted to 2,563 exp each, yet the ones on my multi give 360,500 exp.
  2. Dene Devoted Player

    They had a use by date - the higher XP you got, i'm assuming, was when they first came out?
  3. Davenport Committed Player

    Nope, I only recently started playing again, and I got the smaller exp first before checking it out on my multi and seeing the drastically higher number and wondering what kind of messed up luck I was having.
  4. Dene Devoted Player

    Not sure then.. I just know that the golden exos had a use by date of (i think ) 30 days from the day they were released.. you may have gotten lucky *shrugs*
  5. VariableFire Loyal Player

    The XP was supposed to be tied to your CR.
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  6. Davenport Committed Player

    My main is 221, my multi got bumped to 210 with the freebie.
    Bleh, my main got screwed.

    Ah well. I made up a small bit of the difference by converting the thousands of now useless exobytes I had lying around. Fairly certain I still have a couple thousand more to go through, but I need to check my other multis I use for storage.

    On the bright side, I do like that style unlocking is finally a thing.