Glimpse of the Fourth World missing item

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Beard Maaaan, Feb 10, 2017.

  1. Beard Maaaan Well-Known Player

    I'm missing the 3rd item, "Dreggs" from the Glimpse of the Fourth World investigation. Online a guide says it is in the necropolis in the Artifacts from the past raid. But when I find it, it is white, already collected. Is the guide wrong? Where can I find it?
  2. Beard Maaaan Well-Known Player

    Ok, thanks to another similar thread I've figured this out. The other thread mentioned that people had two "Glimpse of the Fourth World" collections listed under General Collections. Same for me. One is completed, 5/5, the other is 3/5 and is missing the 3rd item "Dreggs" and the 5th item "Intergang". The completed collection has Oracle narrating the items and I checked my styles and I did get the chest style.

    Here is the interesting part: The other collection has slightly different wording and is narrated by Calculator. Yes, it's the villain's version of the collection. It makes sense. I was running these about the time that DCUO allowed cross instance running. I think what happened was that when I was in the villain's instance, I saw the collections I already had as new and collected them. It added the villain's versions into a new collection. At some point the developers fixed it and so there's an orphaned collection.
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  3. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Yep, same thing happened to me. I verified I had the style. But it had me guessing for awhile.