Glide Line

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by KnightSolaire11, Apr 7, 2013.

  1. KnightSolaire11 New Player

    I read somewhere that Glide Line and Grapple Line is usable in PvP so I assumed that in can e used in combat stance(weapon drawn) but it doesn't seem to pull me anywhere. Is the range just short or is it only an out of combat thing? I want to know if my character is just glitched or something.

    Apologies for having a thread over something like this haha.
  2. Drift Hazard Dedicated Player

    If you're in combat, Glide Line doesn't really work until after a few more seconds. It's an out of combat thing, yes. The only time I know you are able to use Glide Line during combat is when you use Backflip (and don't get hit or attack afterwards) or Perfect Poise, both of which removes you from combat movement. I've heard Grapple Line works regardless of combat movement but I haven't verified for sure. All you really need is to cling on a wall.