Getting CR 70ish Weapons

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Mirai, Dec 15, 2016.

  1. Mirai Well-Known Player

    Is there a soloable method to getting weapons in the CR 70 range, and higher?

    I'm currently CR 75. The vendors I can find don't have weapons, and the soloable T4 missions (Ace Chemicals and Stryker's Island) don't have weapons as rewards. I tend to doubt that the T5 soloable missions will offer any either.

    It was nice when they added weapons to the lower tier vendors, but I've hit a no-weapon zone again.
  2. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Not solo. T4 weapons come from Prime Battleground, Seeds of Rot/Unpaid Dues for Villains, Vengeance/Dawn for Heroes.
  3. Mirai Well-Known Player

    Okay, then. Good thing I have altitis.
  4. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    Did they change the system?

    Back in the day once you did the outside mission to strkyers and ace chemical (steel and arkham for villains) you had to go inside (the mission in the journal shows youll get an unattuned armor piece) when you fight the guy inside he always dropped a weapon, ring, or neck that were the max at that level of content (they were equal to Prime Weapons I believe)
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  5. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    The T4 Ace Chemicals & Styker's Island do have a chance at dropping weapons at the end of the bonus mission (after the 5 dailies). So every 5 days you have 2 chances. Typically at the end of a tier, they put "make up" drops in small content if you were unlucky or weren't able to run the raids a lot.
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  6. Mirai Well-Known Player

    Is the inside mission a solo mission? I'm still working on the outside missions.
  7. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    If they removed the chance to get weapons from the solo inside the T4 dailies can folks just not get that style anymore?
  8. Delta796th Loyal Player

    I thought iconic anomalies did? Been a while so I may be wrong
    Otherwise the best weapon you could get around 70 would need CC spark 2 weapons which are 68cr
  9. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    That's T5.
  10. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    What weapon are you referring to? I don't recall there being a weapon in the Steelworks/Arkham or Strykers/Ace mission rewards.
  11. Wiccan026 Loyal Player


    In each of the place where you pick up the missions there should be a person who gives you a mission that takes five days to finish (You need to pick it up before doing the outside dailies, thats what gives you credit for the mission). On the fifth day you get access to the inside (which is a solo) and upon completing it you can choose an unattuned piece of gear from your journal and the boss randomly will drop a weapon, ring or a neck. unless that changed.
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  12. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    When you did the inside mission, the guns from the ace chemical/arkham version are called turf and look like super soaker pistols.
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  13. Delta796th Loyal Player

    Read OPs second paragraph, last sentence.
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  14. Mirai Well-Known Player

    Well, I might be able to reach T5 without a weapon upgrade, so that may be viable.
  15. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Ohhhh. That's right. By the time I finished five days worth of missions, I've always had three shots at better weapons from the 8-players.
  16. Mirai Well-Known Player

    Okay, I received a CR70 weapon after completing the Ace Chemicals instance. It's not a weapon I'm good at using, but of course I'll have more chances to get something better.
  17. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    The one good thing (because from my memory you like taking things slow and mostly solo things) you actually can get some pretty nifty weapon styles in there (the ace chemical ones and stryker ones have different styles too I believe)
  18. Mirai Well-Known Player

    Yes, slow and solo. Normally I don't care about weapon styles, outside of a couple alt characters who use a bow and dual pistols. I use hand blasters on my main character, and hide the weapons. If I keep getting stuck with things like two-handed and rifle as drops, though, I may be paying more attention to weapon styles.

    Just hit CR80. Technically. Equipped, it's CR78, using my level 56 hand blasters. But I can get into the iconic anomalies now.
  19. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    "Turf" style for heroes