gentlemen, how can we save the tank class

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by mecha, May 11, 2013.

  1. mecha New Player

    Anything below T5 raids is a no tank run, especially if you count pvp
    Lets take a look at tanks from a few other games

    Jack of All Trades: the Captain has a hand in just about every job for a group. Alone, a Captain is a capable warrior and healer, but in a group, they improve a fellowship to an exceptional level. Alhough they aren't the best in any one area (even when they are traited that way), they can fill just about any role in a group to a limited extent, barring that of ranged attacker. However, advanced Captains are able to summon an Archer who deals non-trivial damage. Equipped with a Herald and plenty of offensive and defensive capabilities, the Captain is a class that requires some thought and focus to mastering.

    The paladin is a hybrid class with the ability to play a variety of different roles — including healing (holy), tanking (protection), and DPS (retribution). They have auras, blessings and seals that provide useful buffs for other players while withstanding heavy physical damage with plate armor and strong defensive abilities. Paladins are also considered to be holy knights[1] or blood knights.
    It is worth mentioning that as Paladins are extremely effective against the undead and demons, the Holy tree also has good DPS talents, such as Consecration, Exorcism and Holy Shock. A good Paladin player is always useful in a group, but in an Undead/Demon infested area, they are invaluble.

    The guardian's special ability is the use of three virtues. Each virtue provides a passive on-going benefit to the guardian; Virtue of Courage periodically provides Aegis to block against an attack, Virtue of Justice periodically allows an attack to cause burning, and Virtue of Resolve gives health regeneration. The virtues may also be activated by the guardian to bestow a temporary benefit to all nearby allies (including themselves), at the cost of being disabled for a long period, similar to how signet skills are used.

    What would make more people want to run with a tank outside of t5 raids?
    What does it need to be more than a meat shield or a weak dps and be able to benfit the group to a new extent?
    Do you even think the tank class even needs saving?

    We might be performing some science in this thread so put on your goggles
  2. Ray New Player

    people get a 25% defense buff running with out a tank
    Change it so without a tank you get a debuff of 33%
    Make it so everyone gets a 15-20% buff if you have a tank in group
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  3. Breedin Bull New Player

    The devs are at fault for the "dying tank class". From the first time they ever made an enemy "untankable" to "increase difficulty", they started "killing" the class. Why bring a tank to something that can't be tanked? Every single enemy in this game needs to be tankable. There is no such thing as unhealable, or un-power-up-able, or un-dps-able, but the devs have entities in this game that are untankable and that is where tanks started going down hill. It just snowballed from there.
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  4. DeathRogue Well-Known Player

    Well in that statement A Captain and A Paladin are almost Identical LoL...However dude Tanks are Very Important Roles for ANY Tear of the system. Whenever I see someone calling for parties they are ALWAYS looking for DPS and TANKS and ALL Roles to bluntly state it The Tank is a versatile role thats very useful. Because seriously I wouldnt want to go into a Raid with out atleast a tank or 2 in the parties I am in.
  5. Abandon New Player

    Dps are ants.
    Heals are pandas.
    Trolls are lions.
    Tanks are... 3 toed moss sloths. What?

    To save the tank from extinction, tanks must become polar bears.
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  6. General_Gear New Player

    It's funny how many ice tanks I see during lairs but then when running PvE they're as rare as unicorns.
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  7. mecha New Player

    those ice tanks you see are also just in dps gear
    so theyre more like psuedo unicorns
    just horses with a glued on horn if you will :p
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  8. Galklife Dragon New Player

    While a tank is in the group, add 10% damage bonus to the DPS modifiers. So like, a 60% damage bonus would become a 70% one, etc.

    This would get one tank into things at least. I dunno how to do the other tank in.

    Ahh , make it stack an additional 5% bonus for each other tank. That means a 15 damage bonus for running a 2/2/2/2 raid. Maybe replace one of the roles for a third tank and then the DPS will get a 20 damage bonus. This might lead to a day when raids run with like 4 tanks, 3 dps and a healer but hey, at least there'd be more tanks.
  9. Shinigamikami New Player

    if i make an alt it will be a tank.
  10. X-zero Loyal Player

    Alert buffs aren't the reason their aren't many tanks. The buffs are designed so you can run alerts with any combination. The tank buff is just the one they did the best on. The controller one is decent. And the healer one is the think broken and one that needs to be changed. It is why people still think alerts without healers are impossible unless people are over geared.

    There are few reasons why there aren't many tanks. One is the way aggro works in this game. It is hard for tanks to successful split aggro between the two of them unless there is a lot of room in a raid or a split. Developers treatment of the tank classes. Some of the fire and ice tanks I know seem to hate earth because of how damage absorption works. Ice tanks weren't happy about the defense cap not being looked at. And fire users weren't happy period. Tank jobs and dps jobs are hard to find so they just went to another class.
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  11. Dead_Corps New Player

    If you understand the Tank role you would already know something like this already happens. But most don't and they run without one.

    See a tank will grab the hate of every add they touch with a super power. This in turn lets the DPS cast away to his hearts content, which adds to his damage out. The more a DPS can stand on his feet the more damage out he can do. Also Tanks gather adds so the DPS AoE can hit even more adds at one time. This also adds to the DPS damage out. Having a Tank also helps the Healer and Troller to the same aspect. The less the Healer and Troller has to block, retreat or stand back up from a knock down the more they can build power to do their job as well.

    So the better the Tank knows his role the smoother and faster an instance can run.
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  12. neptunesBeard New Player

    How do you get a buff w/o doing a tank?
  13. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    Just the gentlemen huh? OK... I see how it is...
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  14. Ray New Player

    queue up for an alert.... if you have no tank you will see a sheild under your name, its a 25% defense buff. they need to reverse that and extend it to raids. This way people will want a tank or they will have 25% less defense
  15. neptunesBeard New Player

    I've never seen that.
  16. Doctor Erevos Committed Player

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  17. Grid Ion Committed Player

  18. Jamos Well-Known Player

    How you save the tank class is by enviting us to your raids, That would be nice.
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  19. MsMamba New Player

    Want to see Tanks flourish?

    1. Like I've said on other threads, take away the group buffs. They are ruining group dynamics, especially the tank buffs. DPS' these days think they're invincible because of those group buffs. Plus, they make the intance easy to accomplish.

    2. Take away the damage penalty for tanks IN PVE content.
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  20. BomombRook New Player

    Yea. For having a tank in a alert the dpsers get like a 10-15% buff in damage, healers get a 10-15% buff in healing and for trollers they could get a 10-15% increase in power dumps or POT. They should just add something that gives something to a alert group for having a tank so people will want to play tank. I myself have a fire tank and I rarely play him because not many alerts need tanks.