Gearing Up a Return Player

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Coyote, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. Coyote New Player

    Hey Everyone!

    I played this game extensively a few years ago, and decided to get back into the game today for casual play. Currently I'm CR 89 with 140ish skill points. The last raids I remember clearing were Prime and Gates. So my question is, how do I build my gear/CR up? I would try raiding, but if the community is anything like it was when I left, most people won't be interested in taking scrub-pug Coyote in:)

    Any advice is more than welcome!
  2. Trial 1 New Player

    Things you may already be doing but, I'll list just in case.

    1. Update yourself on Nature DPS... specifically the "AM" or "Advanced Mechanics"
    2. Practice on sparring targets until muscle memory sets in
    3. Do what the rest of us do... alerts and raids.

    There's no secret sauce... you'll be back into the swing of things in no time.
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  3. Sbel Devoted Player

    My advice mostly assumes you're Legendary or have all dlcs.

    All PVE marks through T5 have been converted to Marks of Triumph, so use the conversion kiosk in the Magic wing to convert any remaining Marks of War, Krypton, etc, to MoT.

    Like Trial 1 said, look into the new Nature dps Advanced Mechanic, and look into Weapon Mastery. I don't really play Nature, so I can't help you there.

    There are two more T4 dlcs, Hand of Fate and Home Turf. HoF gives you 2 8-Player operations (raids) and 1 4-player operation (alert). It also allows you to use Utility Belts to allow you to carry multiple trinkets and/or consumables. If you don't have a utility belt you can buy one at the renown vendors for MoT. They also drop in missions. HT gives you some open world solo missions and bounties. It also gives you a real base and allows you full access to the base mainframe which will allow you to buy white mods and trinkets.

    You can check out the T4 stuff, but it won't give you any gear that's significantly better than what you already have. At 89 you're already firmly in T5. If you're buying dlcs, for T5 you want War of the Light Part 1, and if you like raids you might want to get Origin Crisis as well.

    So the first T5 missions to do are the OC Iconic Solos. They're in the On Duty menu. When you're in them you're basically in Legends, so you might want to unequip your gear first to avoid a potentially expensive repair bill. The solos drop level 81-83 gear.

    If you replace any modded gear, make sure you look into recovery kits to recover some exobytes from the mods. You can buy alpha recovery kits and plans to craft recovery kits from the R&D vendors. You can buy crafted and Exceptional recovery kits in the Broker and Total Recovery kits in the Marketplace. When you mod your gear you can use crafted mods or buy synthetic V mods from the 85 vendor in Meta or the 86 Vendor in the Gotham Wastelands. (You can buy synthetic mods at any T3+ gear vendor.)

    If you don't have the Sons of Trigon dlc, ignore this paragraph. Next go to the Gotham Wastelands, entrance by the T1 vendor in the Magic Wing, and check out the missions there. If you can get someone to help you with the weekly Raven bounty you can get a piece of unattuned lvl 85 armor. Then try the rest of the Sons of Trigon missions, the three duos and Trigon's Prison. TP gives you an unattuned level 85 weapon.

    Next up is the 4-player ops, then raids and 8-player op. In order of difficulty, Family Reunion, Brothers in Arms, Mist Recovery, and Strike Team. The three "raids" in order of difficulty: Nexus of Reality, Assault and Battery, and Paradox Wave. Hopefully you'll be getting gear that you can use, but if not, you'll still be getting a lot of marks.

    Now, you'll be getting a lot of Marks of Triumph from all this. DON'T BUY GEAR FROM THE 85 OR 86 VENDORS. Instead, go to Mogo(H)/Ranx(V) scroll down past the level 97 T6 gear and buy the level 90 T5 gear. It's the same price as the 85/86 gear but it's way better.

    And that's how you do T5. T6 starts at either CR 99, Amazon Fury 1 Iconic Solos, or 100, the rest of AF1 and Halls of Power 1. T6.5, WotL2 and AF2 requires CR 106. AF1 can get you to 106, but it's significantly easier with HoP1. T7 will start with the next dlc, HoP2.
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  4. Coyote New Player

    Thank you for the fantastic guide! This is going to be invaluable as I get my feet wet in-game again.
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