Gear Stat Question (again)?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Imaginos, Jun 23, 2021.

  1. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    Why is it that I can wear half healer gear on a healing powerset, in dps mode and heal myself and even pinch heal people in an alert just fine (far better than without any healer gear) and yet when I try that in controller mode I can't do any cc at all in alerts and greater? Why does dominance seem to be such a crappy return on gear and even more so on augments?
  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Because all alerts and raids have a minimum dominance requirement to cc. The only thing that cc affects are shields and healing. Some tanks have a class benefit with dom but that’s not something that’s a stat of dominance itself.

    Dominance does not affect your stuns or aggro in any way. If you have the minimum cc required you’ll be able to stun. If you don’t have the minimum cc required than you won’t be able to stun.

    Also, if you do have the minimum dom required and you can cc in troll role but not dps role than recheck the ability. Some troll abilities only cc when in troll stance
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  3. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    That second sentence is confusing. First you say dom doesn't affect your stuns/aggro. Then you say if you have the minimum cc you can stun. What do you mean by cc? Do you mean if you have the minimum dom for whatever you're doing you'll be able to cc? That's kind of my point. With half healer gear I'm able to heal myself decently well in dps mode. With half troller gear my dom doesn't get anywhere near enough for the content that is my gear level. Seems a pretty big discrepancy and if I add a dom augment it gives far less than a heal augment does stat-wise.

    I'll recheck the abilities but i'm pretty sure the stuff I'm trying on my newbie mental character isn't limited by role, such as turning foes into harmless ghosts for a few moments.
  4. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Sorry I meant that the only think that DOM affects is healing and shields.

    The game is set up that way because you don’t want to many people accidentally CCing adds. Duos, solos, and open world don’t have any minimum cD requirement so even with 0 investment into dom you will be able to cc any adds and sub bosses.

    Alerts and especially raids however have the minimum requirement. Dom doesn’t actually affect your ability to cc at all. If you have 300 dom or 5000 dom in open world than your stuns are going to be exactly the same. That’s because all forms of cc have their effect already scripted. Crowd control also isn’t the job of a troll either so a troll noting be able to cc in dps role isn’t from the lack of trolls abilities. A trolls mechanic is actually the power and debuff. Debuffs are automatic regardless of any stats and power out is deterimined by the persons vit. However a troll can only give power in troll stance with pot. However you can give power as a dps using your instant power ability.

    CD on the other hand is a trait for all powers and all roles. On my electric for example I can cc adds in open world with a few abilities like arc lightning, electrostatic bomb, and voltaic blast amongst other abilities. Same with nature and harvest and water and drown. All powers have forms of cc. However they’d have to specifically build towards that in order to be able to do any kind of CC in alerts and raids.

    But like I said earlier you really shouldn’t. If to many players have CC than adds end up gaining immunity faster which can potentially cause a wipe in harder content.
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