gang war rumors, briefing 5 is missing

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BDA_HitMan, Jan 23, 2018.

  1. BDA_HitMan New Player

    gang war rumors, briefing 5 is missing

    I look where it should be, but its not there; check and recheck....log out and then back in to see if that help but no still is the only one missing.

    Q: is it a bug or taken out since the last revamp or there way of saying upgrade your ps3 to ps4.

    Got no teeth under the pillow so, I'm **** out of luck i guess
  2. Owl Devoted Player

    Sometimes certain Briefings and Investigations do not appear until you leave and then return to a zone.

    I would try moving to a location a few blocks away and then return to the area.
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  3. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    Is that why the Arkham briefings are sometimes not there on Arkham Island? I thought they just randomly spawned to cause us all to go mad. ;)
  4. BDA_HitMan New Player

    did all that and still don't show up
  5. Darth Loyal Player

    I just checked and its there for me (so it hasn't been removed). I am on PS4 though. I'm not saying I don't believe you but are you sure you're checking in the right location?
  6. Dazz-252 Committed Player

    The PS3 has TERRIBLE loading times without a SSD. Try waiting in the location for 5-10 minutes. Maybe it's a loading issue.
  7. BDA_HitMan New Player

    Thank you all for your help