Game is unplayable

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by seals_on_saturn, Jul 7, 2017.

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  1. seals_on_saturn New Player

    i can no longer play this, i want to but this is horrendous. All low cr is breezed through with the over abundance of max cr players in every raid and alert. then when it finally comes time to do a raid with the people actually geared to do it, none of them understand their powers, or roles. You constantly see people with mixed gear and abilities you know they arent supposed to use. then to top it all off every enemy, add or boss, during an encounter is a one shot. So ur left with 2 choices, leave or bring in a max cr player from the league after kicking those who dont understand the game. With the second option chances are u'll die from a one shot still but be able to stand outside the encounter while the nax cr's do their thing. is there something coming soon that is gonna put a stop to this flow of gameplay. If there isnt then new players are going to be forced to stop playing, and the game will die. at least it will die with 70% of the population at max cr, something that was rare in the glory days of this game
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  2. nawanda Loyal Player

    70% of the game is at max CR? There are 136 toons in my league and nobody is max CR. Think perhaps you mean endgame CR.
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  3. mexmex Dedicated Player

    Yup, it is, is awful to be a new player in this game, isn't very friendly, with new players at any level at all, the devs knew what to do to fix this in a proper maner a long time ago, but people didn't care to help the devs balance stuff, most are against any form of clamp, but without it they ruined every game experience for the new players, people is selfish they all can think it's themselves, so they don't care. But they are the first to complaint about noobs not knowing anything, when in the first place they are the ones to blame for it. And of course the devs too for not fixing this
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  4. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Don't blame you for thinking this. Yesterday when I was trying to run the AF3 alert I pugged it and got a 196 mental DPS. I said to myself "thank God" I didn't get a noob... boy was I dead wrong. This guy didn't even know how to use HIS AM! He was spamming dual pistols and would occasionally use some of his powers. I did more damage than him on my quantum alt and he only has like 120 SP but that's probably more than that mental player.
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  5. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

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  6. Morsy808 Committed Player

    I agree in some parts. Not the clamping. Make a separate tab in on duty to allow those who are outside relevancy to an instance by a certain range to queue it solo.

    This will cut down high crs in low content, thus forcing new players to learn like those of us who have been around since before tier 4 and 5. At least then we will have more players at end game who understand mechanics and power sets. Until that happens, players will continue to be carried to end game with minimal sp and no clue how to play.
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  7. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    On the whole stat clamping thing forcing people to learn how to play properly, I don't think that would happen. If they're not one to put effort into learning the game without hard content coercing them into it, then they're more likely to quit than try and find out what they're doing wrong. Now you might argue that the game is better off without them, and I'm not going to agree or disagree with that right now. I just want to point out that stat clamping will really only improve the average skill level of the playerbase by weeding out the bottom percentile. So you have to ask yourself if you'd consider having a lower population being a worthwhile tradeoff for a better experience pugging content. That's the real question here.
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  8. mexmex Dedicated Player

    Maybe not, but at the same time I know of so many people that after giving a try to the game just left, barely after reaching level 30 just because they felt it was lame to finish the instances without even fighting at all in so many instances.

    Look, I am not proclamping, but either I am pro leaving it as it is, why? because we are getting so many bad players at the end game, and the worse it gets, the worse the content will get to fit those players. Look at the end content open worlds, it feels as easy as leveling from level 1 to 10 lol. And that is a straight result for having so many unaware players at end content, and the worse thing is that is not their fault, is Devs and players itselfs to blame for.
  9. mexmex Dedicated Player

    Why not? it is a mayor let down for so many people, the fact of being able to finish so many instances without even fighting at all, its just a dumb design
  10. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    You know what else is a dumb design??? A game with a progression system that primarily relies on getting better gear to get significantly stronger only to then turn around after 6 years and clamp everyone so that you're no longer actually progressing...because that's what clamping would do. It would negate the progress you're supposed to be making. Most of the content and feats were designed on purpose to be beaten by good players at level, and to be accomplished by the rest as they get progressively stronger.

    A large portion of players will never get "better" because of content difficulty. They'll pass content because they get stronger. It's sad that it has to be that way, but it is the reality we live with.
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  11. mexmex Dedicated Player

    Yea, the mindset, I am "superpowerful" , I earned it, I did my progression, so...... "The hell with all this noobs, lets just rollstomp their instance", lol. Is so helpful :confused: , and surely its the best way to engage NEW PLAYERS in the game pffffto_O.

    For the red, it might be your reality, is far from being mine, As I said, I did try to lure my friends into the game, I gave up, all of them not a sigle one kept playing after level 30 and saw what a lame situation was to finishing stuff without doing nothing, LAME indeed, so for just a second try to see as all those players saw the game at that point. And tell me how it is a GOOD THING????
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  12. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    My nephew saw me playing and decided to try it, his response to gameplay after level 30 was "why would they change how combat works? If you can't keep playing the way you initially got hooked, it's dumb."
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  13. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    OMG As I was reading the thread I was thinking of a very similar incident I had about a week ago.. wonder if we both teamed with the exact same guy. I qued up for one of the WASTELAND duos and found myself teamed with a CR 190+ and the immediate thought was "well this will be over quick" and then we started. Exact same thing. When this guy did use powers he had no clue how to use Am to regen power and was constantly all but on empty.

    He used dual pistols and when out of power he did have the sense to use his weapon on.. YOU GUESSED IT..nothing but full auto. Now there re those out there that will say "OH he was just messing with you" No sorry.. This was the Cathedral mission and twice I had to go back and help him because he was lost and no where near the places we needed to be,,,, It was his first time inside the place (AT CR 190+) I was around 120 myself (still running the duos to get the feats for 17 defeats of Jack, Julius and James). and like you .. I out damaged this guy. I'm sorry but at 190+ even if he used nothing BUT dual pistols everything should have been dropping likes flies in front of him.

    Sadly the ability to flat out buy your way to CR 100 as son as you create a character has unleashed a good number of players with no clue what to do or how to do it.
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  14. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    You're right about the progression concerns and the people who need to rely on higher stats to accomplish what others can do at level. That doesn't make it less of a problem though, it just makes things more complicated. High CRs demolishing lower tier content is one of the top 3 problems the game has that drive off new players by the dozen.

    Forced clamping on all instances isn't the fix for that, but the status quo is also terrible. The most common suggestion is forced downclamps on queues (with a CR ceiling somewhere in the next higher tier) with an optional unclamped "instant acess" feature that lets premade groups skip the queue completely. It's not a perfect solution either but it's a step in the right direction. It's something that should be investigated further and may lead to a system that works.
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  15. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    This right there is the reason why AMs are such a bad system. New players get into the game and create their character with a certain theme and weapon in mind, then at some point they get told "you aren't allowed to use your weapon anymore, all the powers you used are actually useless, and if you don't want to be dead weight then you need to use this premade loadout with this premade rotation".

    The revamp isn't the magical fix for everything, but it will be a major improvement in that regard. New players should be able to learn incrementally and find out combinations of powers or weapons that work well for them over time. They shouldn't be forced to adapt a predetermined build and playstyle that is 100% equal for everyone with the same powerset and has nothing to do with what they do in the 1-30 game.
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  16. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    Yes, the statrevamp. If that was working as announced you wouldn't have to worry about "people with mixed gear and abilities you know they aren't supposed to use", because that is what the devs want to get rid off like they said: the not-knowing-anything-players falling way behind in damage output.

    Just.... that's not what they gonna deliver and people willl complain about other players anyway as long as they are forced to interact in any way. Leaves two questions:

    - When will the devs realize that?
    - When will they start making progression solo-content only?
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  17. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    Just where are all these high cr players when I try to level an alt? I usually end up with only one or two people only a few tiers above the instance. And they don't know their power so it doesn't even help. I mean come on, I've out dps'd people 2 tiers above me on me electric dps. That's how terrible some of these "high cr" players are.

    Don't get me wrong, I've had experiences there other way as well. But any solution has to give options. If they go the clamping router, there needs to be a way to run the instances unclamped. If they add a filler to matchmaking (eg. No one above cr 75), they also need a way for high cr players to run the instances (either by having portals for the instances, a way to que short handed, or a way to accept being clamped to the max allowed by random que).
  18. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Gonna have to disagree with that right there. While that feature highlights and exacerbates the problem, this is a pre-existing condition that sadly has been around since the game went free to play. It has gotten progressively worse, but there's no way you can blame the new feature added this year for the kind of players we've been getting more and more of every year. The skip to cr100 feature is merely a log thrown into a raging fire that's been consuming the place.
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  19. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    Circumstancial evidence doesn't make it less of a problem though.

    Valid concerns. In my opinion, a way for endgame players to quickly access lower tier content without a full group is needed anyway, regardless of this specific problem. I'd still ask for it if there weren't tons of low CR players who have problems with high CR people. I'm still missing a couple of feats in raids I could easily run solo, or with 2-4 people, but I can't enter that content unless I find a full group of people who are also willing and capable of getting those feats.
  20. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Totally disagree. This game wasn't nice to new players when I started before the back.

    This game is 6 and a half year old. The only tutorial is on the ship.
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