Gadget's Taser Pull The Most OP Atm?

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Filthyprankeddd, Jan 31, 2019.

  1. Filthyprankeddd New Player

    Hello everyone! Normally I play as an atomic tank in PVP. I've been an atomic EVER since t came out and before it was FOTM and the DPS just can't keep up with the other DPSes such as electric, Mental, etc. Well today, I came across a player that was Gadgets but only had 99/100 gear and I am fully geared in 101. I have 204 SP and he had 288 SP (not to mention it was arenas) but he completely decimated me. I know that mental's stealth could do major damage but this gadgets player was spamming taser pull and using stealth damage. Not to mention he was in a troll role so my heals, and defenses were down. ( I can't remember if my attack was debuffed as well.) He did not use his weapon even once and the only way I could even get him down to 1/4 health is because I was healing. If I was in DPS role I would've died immediately. He could constantly spam taser pull and it required little to no power and did major damage. You can complain about Mental but after their stealth, you get a tiny break and their spammable move doesn't really cause any concern.

    I haven't seen anyone but him use this, so I'm guessing this is put on the down low since everyone else is using Atomic or Mental these days. I don't know how any other powers could keep up since I'm able to take on healers so if that's the case, the spammable troll move could decimate healers. Has anyone else come across this? I'd say this is probably the most OP thing I've ever come across in the broken state that PVP is in right now haha. Anyone else's thoughts on this?
  2. Arqueiro Robusto Well-Known Player

    Arenas are a broken mess and unbalanced. Wait for legends pvp to get fixed then I will start with the overall problems in PvP arena.
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  3. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    but we play with our characters almost throughout the whole game.
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  4. Arqueiro Robusto Well-Known Player

    Right now Legends PvP should be the priority. It does not come with refactoring powers in PvP. Each power for pvp needs to be adjusted for arena by hand. Legends is just bugged right and has some minor imbalances that should be fixed. Fixing arena PvP is going to take a lot of work.
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  5. Terri Ashra Committed Player

  6. Filthyprankeddd New Player

    True, Legends is a lot more balanced than Arenas but the problem is, no one wants to play legends. I'll try and bait someone into playing legends when they complaining about Atomic Tanking (only cause DPS is subpar and everyone is trolling or healing or tanking or is an OP DPS power like gadgets or mental) and they usually just want to battle in the WT because they can use their character AND have their OP stats carry them through. I really don't understand the people that cry about losing to an OP power but then refuse to play legends and will only play when someone has an unfair advantage rather than having a fairer fight. I can barely even find legend matches anymore and I feel as if no one will even play legends even if they fixed it.
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  7. Arqueiro Robusto Well-Known Player

    A lot of people play legends. It's just the player base has seemingly lost the ability to counter. Usually my matches go like this: person gets countered and dies 2x and then quits. But the matches I have that last the full time is usually against players that are decent and that I know or know about.
  8. ALB Dedicated Player

    He was probably putting out bombs after you died too