Full Auto: Needs Addressing

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Brice Allen, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Full Auto currently on Live Server must be held down for 1 second to get BB and damage registered.
    On Test Server you can currently hold it down for about half a second (if that) and get the BB. It appears the BB is occurring prematurely because if I barely hold the button down I'll get off one shot of Full Auto and it will BB a blocking opponent and grant me counter damage (block breaking a blocking opponent). However, if I use the quick hold method on a non-blocking opponent no damage is registered to them. It isn't until I hold it down for the full 1 second that I get normal damage registered. I recorded what is happening with Spartacus and he will be sending me the video shortly. But this definitely needs to be addressed. You can Tap Hold combo on the Dual Pistols and Block Break an opponent and they will never have a chance to see it. I mean never...this isn't like some clipping trick. The BB is firing off so fast that you don't even have to clip it and an opponent will probably never see it. The problem gains a bit more priority when you factor in an opponent has about 1-1.5 seconds to attempt to interrupt you before their window of opportunity is up. This might not sound bad at first but when you factor in the fact that I can slip a BB into my Pistol Combos and do so so fast that you will never see it. Yes, this is possible with tap BB's like Dual Wield but they have a far greater window of punishment opportunity than Dual Pistols does. Everyone I'm sure remembers the days of Full Auto then Block...neener neener no punishing me. Well this is kind of the same but in reverse fashion. You can Full Auto so fast in a combo, players will never even see you are doing it and if they hesitate for half a second then try to lunge you they are more than likely going to get punished.
    So yeah to sum it up it seems from testing this is the following numbers Tunso:

    Full Auto on Live: 1 Second to get BB (3 shots of Full Auto required)
    Full Auto on Test: .5 Second to get BB (1 shot of Full Auto required)

    P.S: This is occurring in Arena and Legends.
    EDIT: Video -
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  2. xSpartacusx Well-Known Player

    Where is that video slacker?? :rolleyes:
  3. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    lol...Updated with vid. Picking on my sub par Hard Light combos. I was bored and messing with HL when I came across this Dual Pistol madness:p.
    P.S: You and your dramatic music...I swear...it was just a test. You Spartans I swear. lol
  4. Yallander Loyal Player

    Looks like it is extremely front loaded. If they don't adjust it say hello to the new FOTM weapon.
  5. Volaron New Player

    Beat ya to it on the other post :p
    @topic yeah this could be a problem, but at the same time Dual pistols is the most underpowered weapon in the game* So fix this, then the whole weapon plz and ty.

    *Personal Opinion.
  6. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    I was playing against Brice in a Legends match. He was using Joker. As he mentioned, there was no need to clip that Block Breaker. You can work it into your combos to essentially make it invisible. I thought I was lagging the first couple of times he tried Full Auto since I was expecting the old behavior.
  7. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Well I like instant blockbreakers but it is unfair for the animation to be THAT fast. If they do add vulnerability markers then that would solve it I guess but they should probably just switch it back to how it is on live. Dual pistols is probably the only weapon that could have this problem at least.
  8. Volaron New Player

    After looking at this again i'm still not sure if I want this nerfed. I feel if it's nerfed full auto will be destroyed, and let's be real that's ALL Dual pistols have, and it's just for support role. Like I said dual pistols just isn't equal to other weapons, which is a shame because they're so much fun.
  9. Yallander Loyal Player

    Another 1/3 to 1/2 second delay on the BB proc wouldn't do that much when you take into consideration what Tunso said--most things happening are delayed on screen and should be adjusted to the view of the observer.
  10. chaoticreign New Player

    IMO what's broke is not the BB, but the delayed damage. If I quick tap full auto it should do damage just like when I quick tap every other weapon they do damage.

    If the dmg was instant, like every other attack, then you will be able to "see it" because you would lundge as soon as you get hit for dmg. I can see the animation in your video its like sparks at tip of gun, but in the heat of combat I could see how it could be confusing as it does not damage. However, if the damage hit you would know they attacked and could counter easier.
  11. AIpha New Player

    On a side note you must be very protective of your loadout to blur it out. :)