From Multiple MMO's: My Biggest Problem with this game

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lord Drep, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. Lord Drep New Player

    Actually, I did leave.. Thanks for asking for the rest of the story though. I appreciate it.
    Then the same thing happened at the next instance.. So I just logged off for the night.
  2. Lord Drep New Player

    Well, if you chose to believe some other version of what I said then I guess thats your choice. I dont really understand as to why I would go to some great length to over exaggerate this story. But to each their own!

    Thanks for the constructive feedback everyone. I ended up with a good group tonight, and I figure I will see what the Upper Tiers look like and make a switch if I need to!
  3. Wilder Midnight New Player

    you always have the option of wishing them luck and moving onto a group you'll gel with better.

    no harm in that.
  4. EnemyOfDaState New Player

    Pc (in my opinion) has a better player base i think this is because it's smaller and you know your going to run into the same people again so your less likely to act like a fool.
  5. Twilight Man New Player

    I agree with you its annoying and out of place, but let me also say using the word n***a and blasting 2pac dont make you a gangbanger.

    Thats a stereotype.

    I wish these folks could learn to turn that behavior off and on when appropriate, somthing you learn with experience.
    Personally I used to be a criminal, to sum it up wiithout being specific...doesnt mean i cant realize im playing a video game and be friendly about it.

    If only one of us heroes was actually a hero and took it past the game and into the communcatin.
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  6. Batman Beyond Well-Known Player

    I know the feeling. I usually play at night and its horrible running into those types of situations or hearing couples fighting, blaring music, or eating on mic.

    I also agree that finding like minded players to be more fun and have found playing without mics to be more enjoyable to me personally. Wish I ran into more players who don't abuse them as I seem to always have to mute or lower the volume anymore so I can avoid a loud mic surprise at 3am lol.
  7. DarkEaglePS3 New Player

    I agree with the community part of your statement however as a 16 year old usps3 player I disagree teenagers are the problem, while yes some are very agitating ive ran into more annoyances with adults related to mic problems, not knowing what their role is, and using very very inappropriate language. Another thing about older players ive noticed is they can't be corrected or given advice from anyone under their age such as "um I think you need to adjust your mic" or "I think you're wearing pvp gear in the raid." I seriously had a 32 year old leaguemate cuss me out because I notified him he was wearing pvp gear via tell to save him the embarrassment. I believe the community as a whole has been growing worse not just a certain group. Sorry for this post if you weren't trying to generalize teens as the problem of the community that's just how I read it.
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  8. IIJetfire New Player

    I understand your point there this is very common recently with cr90+ only to make lower tiers useless and helpless by either kicking or blaming it all out..,and also in additions for league's they probably want either popularity or wants to be the best in dcuo...
  9. EPICQ New Player

    I am a beta tester as well and the op problems is facts. DCUO is F2P now, anyone can join in the masses. People can join with out any care of the game just to start crap, be rude, talk nasty... all for kicks and then log off, that is why F2P sucks!
  10. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    Do you only play with people you know?

    i've left at least a dozen leagues due to the type of behavior he described, I'll never have chat on ever in pugs due to the type of behavior he described. I've never heard the N word used so much prior to playing this game, in fact many of these people can't finish a sentence without using it 5-6 times, I can't imagine that these people many of whom are adults could possibly have a job if they speak like that.
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  11. EnemyOfDaState New Player

    I'm willing to sacrifice having a few bad eggs for a healthy player base.
  12. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    Depends how you define healthy, I'll take quality over quantity every day, but I guess from SOE view quantity means more potential sales.
  13. EnemyOfDaState New Player

    I personally would take quality over quantity but as someone who wants the game to be here for a long time I'm aware that the more people playing the better it is for me.
  14. Lord Drep New Player

    Your absolutely right, I guess it was the first word that came to mind and I apologize for that.
  15. gloomy galleon New Player

    I rarely get in a group with 16 year olds.
    I some times get in a group with loud mics or awful "music".
    I almost never get into a group with a bunch of loud children who don't know what they're doing.
  16. Lord Drep New Player

    I wasnt trying to generalize it to being mostly teens. I find the problem being with all sorts of age groups. It just happens to be relatively the same circumstances (same music, word choices etc) and the last person who I encountered sounded about the age of 16.

    I know what your saying though about some of the crowd as well. I have been playing MMO's longer than some of these people have been alive, let alone been playing MMO's. Friendly advice (hey you forgot to take off pvp gear or hey dont hit the medics) about 50% of the ends up getting backlash.
  17. The Vigilante Committed Player

    People exaggerate many things quite often for a great many reasons. Your reasons are only known to yourself but I can pretty much figure out your motivation to do so.

    It is actually the exception rather than the rule when something is not exaggerated.

    There was nothing constructive about your post. It was simply you raging whilst thinly veiling your bigotry.
  18. The Vigilante Committed Player

    No. I pug or join lfg groups only. i don't "know' anyone in-game.

    I would feel safe in stating that most people do not use the same vernacular at their jobs that they do when with their friends or doing something of a social nature.

    These people huh? Yeah. You likely don't have an ethnically or culturally diverse group of friends.
  19. The Vigilante Committed Player

    No. "nearly every group he joins' being this way is not "facts". It is abject exaggeration.

    Anyone could also join the game prior to it becoming free to play. There was no pigment or personality or cultural filter when the game was sub-only. If F2P sucks then find another game?
  20. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    Actually I have a pretty diverse group of people I call friends & co-workers, I can guarantee you I've never heard them talk like "those" people I hear while playing this game. Has nothing to do with culture unless you consider stupidity a culture. Now if you were to say I don't hang around with functionally illiterate people while doing things of a social nature I would say you are spot on. Sorry there is no defense to the type of behavior I have been witness to in this game, possibly you don't see it because you are a part of that culture? So it doesn't seem as abhorrent to you.
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