Friday Night Legends: Episode 4

Discussion in 'Friday Night Legends' started by Mepps, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. Tule New Player

    Do FOS2 speed feat in t2 unmodded gear, like bosses.
  2. Ivy Bird Committed Player

    We are planning to do that in our nostalgia raid series in a few weeks.
  3. ObsidianChillSucks New Player

    lol this is what we did normally back then, Fos2 was out a year before mods and plans even existed.
  4. Tule New Player

    Thats the point.
  5. thelostczarnian New Player

    awe yes i remember those days well. i was cr fifty something and trolling fos raids with two tanks in it lol. now people need mods home turf and buffer sodas just to do fos 2 with cr 70+ minimum if ur trying to pug. even alerts needed a balanced team. back on topic tho...i was honestly hoping for something like this when t5 hit. one of the devs said that you might beat a new t5 raid if your amazing in t4...maybe. that sounds like a test AND a challenge from the devs lol. hoping to see a 4 man prime for now
  6. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Odyssey this week? I expect nothing less than a duo of Prime.

    With no healer.

    and no gear
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  7. TrueMarvel New Player

    I'd actually like to see spytle use the iWIN trinket on all the clowns and bosses in Dawn. But hey. Thats just me
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  8. MercPony Devoted Player

    Personally more interested in seeing FNL eps on US PS3 but THIS one I will actually watch. Odyssey is awesome!
  9. iLLusion New Player

    I'm so excited! Friday can't come soon enough!
  10. SirMuttonChops New Player

    I'm disappointed that this episode won't be about how mesmerizing Dreadwolf's voice is. But I'm very excited to see what direction they take it in.
  11. Anhur Committed Player

    I'm excited, and very nervous - we have no idea what to expect - but this is the key!
  12. Daemonic Visions Committed Player

    Think I'll watch myself PvE this round.

    I mainly watched these because I want the devs to understand how pvp'ers play against each other and see 1st hand how that(PvP) gameplay works. City of Heroes/Justice Server used to hold Monday Night Arenas, which I joined from time to time, was great fun, helped liven PvP in general and expand PvP on that server as well. Friday Night Legends was a glimpse of that old skool event and I hope that continues on, it's great for the community, and a learning experience for the devs as well knowing how their game works on the other side of the coin.

    Gratz on being the focus.. but I rather see leagues with devs playing other leagues, I don't need tips on how to get infinity lives. Hope the PvE folks learn something so pugs perhaps know how to play a small chance better than they are playing now.

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  13. Dreadwolf New Player

    I'm not going to be on Skype, so the devs doesn't get frightened (^_^)
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  14. QueenofWar (Crisis Core) New Player

    I've heard rumors... lets see if they are true?
    I just wanna see how hard it is... if odyssey officer players have trouble with it then i'm psyched....
    BTW neat trailer, interesting how you got the HUD to be removed... didn't devs say this capability wasn't available on the game? 0.o

    also odyssey your original FOS2 speed feat is missing (you know the very first on EUPC vid )
  15. Tesseract Prime Dedicated Player

    How many pets are we allowed?
  16. Dreadwolf New Player

    All of our previous videos got removed from youtube at one point, we put up what we had stored.
    And yes, the devs are telling the truth, it isn't available in the game to remove the HUD (^_^)
  17. Anhur Committed Player

    Due to a technical error with YouTube, all our videos were deletd and they couldn't be recovered - we've re-uploaded what we had on file, but original FoS2 was not one of them :(.
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  18. QueenofWar (Crisis Core) New Player

    Ah ic gotcha too bad you guys lost the original FOS2 since you guys were first on EUPC and we were first on USPC..
    Would have been nice to have both for people to see.. not that people watch consider nowadays people blow through fos2 like it nothing.
    but back in the day when there was no mods and just gear and strats to rely on, accomplishin the speed feat was a great memory.

    As far as the HUD... hmm there must have been some awesome out of game magic going on there.. MAN.. share the love we all wanna make trailers and sing lol
  19. Elusian Crowd Control

    You can summon me that should be enough! ^_^
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  20. Remander Steadfast Player

    If what I'm hearing is true, NO ONE should miss this episode. TIFWIW.