Friday Night Legends: Episode 16

Discussion in 'Friday Night Legends' started by Mepps, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. Zuse Loyal Player

    i cant wait to hear more about the new power
  2. Critics New Player

    Yea this will be great to watch!!
  3. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    Can't wait GL Replacements!
  4. Savage Mind Committed Player

    FNL will be canceled after Jens finds out OP is in the finals.
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  5. Poetic Play Committed Player

    Nah, he just will nuke you guys and count it as a win for the other team.
  6. PureDarkness Dedicated Player

    I missed it! And the forums are flooded speaking about it! Wheres the youtube replay? Please.?
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  7. Evil Grave New Player

    We can only hope . ;)
  8. TheThud New Player

    If it weren't for some people not being able to make the last fight vs. One Pieced, it would be Disqualified vs. JusticeKnights for the legends final. All of you are good teams and the tournament was a lot of fun. This was the JK's first foray into pvp tourny's out side of our in league 1v1 tourny, and it was a great learning experience. All of you pvp leagues out there on ps3 be forewarned. PVP in the JK is becoming very strong.
  9. Mercenary Renegade New Player

    Idk, y'all won once with purp lagged out, I believe it was 1000-910? The last match we were up 1-0 before JK called in for a forfeit. Not trying to be a dick or anything we don't know what would've happened honestly, as Rep2 beat us in the regular season legends and we destroyed them in the playoffs. I think the 1st match was 1000-490 and 1000-560 the 3rd match? GL with JK in the future tho, good to see more leagues queing up. :D Now y'all need to start making an arenas group as well. ;)
  10. Purple Ace New Player

    That's a pretty bold assumption. It could be easily flipped and we could say the only reason our regular season match was even close was because two of our best legends players weren't there, in addition to me lagging. So see we had to sub in players on the regular and we still made it. While I love new/more competition, making statements like that will get you nowhere in a hurry when you're breaking into the pvp community.

    And if you'd like to scrimmage the team in the finals just say so in Olympus or 5s chat. Always looking for games and practice.
  11. TheThud New Player

    No disrespect to One Pieced meant. Your league is well known and strong. There's no doubt about that. And I appreciate you guys. It gives us something to shoot for. Considering that most of JK is strictly PVE and don't practice or run pvp together, I'm proud of how JK1 did. I myself am not that good at legends, thus I was on JK2. In all honesty, most teams smashed JK2. I prefer arenas. Several of us have been running arenas together regularly lately and have built a pretty strong core though not all of us are full t4 pvp. We are trying to get others more involved in arenas. I'd love the chance to run arenas against you guys. It can only make us better. Right now, I think 4v4 is our strongest area. We could probably put together a decent 5s team depending on who's online. 8v8, our additions would be too weak.
  12. Mercenary Renegade New Player

    We're not trying to bash you, it's just your 1st statement wasn't very well thought out. I'm sure you just phrased it wrong and didn't mean any ill-will towards one pieced. I do agree y'all did very good considering most of us haven't seen you guys around, and we always welcome new challengers when it comes to pvp. GL in the future. ;)
  13. Destiny End New Player

    SHAZAM! In aisle 3
  14. Dump Truck New Player

    Congrats to OP and the Replacements for making it there, sorry don't know players in the other league.
  15. Mercenary Renegade New Player

  16. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    GJ OP and TR
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  17. IamZACH Well-Known Player

    OP sweeeeep love it!
  18. BumblingB I got better.

    Congrats to the winners of both. One thing though, you guys don't need a supercharge. Just queue in w/o one. Makes for more of an interesting fight. Quicker too. Just saying.
  19. Mercenary Renegade New Player

    Honestly though, we were ready almost instantly after the match. Replacements were either trying to figure out what we were doing, had players relog, not ready etc...Even when grimestep was lagging and had to relog he did so with the quickness. No offense to reps but they just took too long to prepare. We on the other hand were about ready to go right after the match, kept having to remind them every other minute or so to figure out why they weren't q'ing.
  20. TheLoneLantern New Player

    I think the problem with that is, how would you really know if one team stacked their SC for an advantage while the other played it straight? By letting them both fill their SCs, you're guaranteeing that it starts off at an even playing ground.
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