Friday Night Legends: Episode 15

Discussion in 'Friday Night Legends' started by Mepps, Jul 22, 2013.

  1. Daemonic Visions Committed Player

    Looks like it will be more entertaining with GU28 in place on Live. It really did hurt the commentary because matches took too long and Mepps and whoever was available had to keep the show running even though matches were taking 20 so minutes to complete.

    I'm glad this was boosted to Live before the FNL, and as mentioned before, hope block gets fixed, doing some matches in Legends today and Bane would stand still when I wanted to block, or he wouldn't get up after I let go.

    I might not watch the whole thing as it streams because it's my hero league's raid night, but I will skim through the video later that night and can manage to watch the PvP matches without wanting to skip ahead.

    Should be enjoyable, these 2 leagues are more mild mannered than the other PvP leagues that tend to cause drama after a lose. We should be expecting some good fights.
  2. Cuddle New Player

    We aren't worried about winning or losing, we are more worried about who will be online ;)
  3. Demon's Robot New Player

    What time would it be in EST for the event?
  4. Alex New Player

    In other words, you have no confidence in some of your leaguemates?
  5. Yallander Loyal Player

    Actually the tone of these matches is "competitive, but friendly." ICarry has some amazing PVPers in their league, they are not to be underestimated.
  6. D3athStrik3 Well-Known Player

    Much respect to you all and this will definetely be a fun FNL, gotta try to get some sleep now lol...
  7. Colin3699 New Player

  8. Xolag Well-Known Player

    This will be a great FNL good luck to both league.;)
  9. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    I think it is safe to say tonight's FNL is going to be out of this world.
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  10. TDSK Committed Player

    So it's on the Moon?
  11. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    hehe...I'd be willing to bet there might be "celestial" type things in the FNL...but I doubt Moon will be part of
  12. Ismooo New Player

    Celestial powers. The pressure of the forums has gotten to the devs :D... So when does it start in England?
  13. TDSK Committed Player

    Comments section will most likely be flooded with insults when the power they wanted isn't revealed, if any is revealed at all. I'm hoping for Darkness powers so I can finally make a Noob Saibot.
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  14. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Mepps just confirmed in another thread they will be revealing more about the new Healing Power set Celestial tonight on FNL.
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  15. TDSK Committed Player

    Good thing I decided not to switch to Sorc for some healing. Also, GL to you guys tonight. Same to ICarry.
  16. Flash New Player

    5v5 moon throwback..maybe? :p
    Sucks I won't be able to catch it live. Will definitely watch it though, both teams have a chance, and no one knows what could happen with these new debuffs. :)
  17. Spidersting Committed Player

    GL tonight guys, bringing my laptop so I might be able to at least watch while we are at the airport if I can get some wifi access. Plane is delayed an hour and a half now. They keep this up I wont be leaving until my birthday.
  18. ObsidianChillSucks New Player

    Great matches to Icarry and all the players involved. No point for me to say who won either way everyone will have their opinions on the topic but had a great time 3 tanks is some crazy dmg to cover as a controller :eek: so need some practice on that had some embarrassing deaths but lag and dc's aside everyone from Fami had a great time and HUGE thank you to Mepps and Spytle for sticking with us for the whole time and I hope the viewers enjoyed it as well.

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  19. Mini Lini Loyal Player

    Interesting to watch, though certain DCs seemed odd it was still a good show. Props to Jens and Ted for actually sticking with it and not throwing the controller in frustration. What I would've done.
  20. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Thanks for coming out everyone, and to both leagues. Despite the tech problems, we had fun and hope you did too. We'll talk more about Celestial in the coming weeks!
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