Up-Votes Needed Four in a row

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Cyro, Feb 27, 2021.

  1. Cyro Committed Player

    I and some leaguemates were trying for four in a row and when we got 4 in a row it didn't pop we even tried building it and nothing so we wiped and tried again. A few attempts later and we got it yet it still never popped. Just to make sure we staggered it so one person would open one then when they are finished another person would open another, so i watched us get four in a row yet it didn't pop.
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  2. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    This is one of those feats that people have been complaining about for a long time. There is no tell to determine which ones are actual rocks and which ones are fakes. Those of us who have it either spent HOURS in there trying to get it or got really lucky (I fall in the latter group). The trouble is, if everyone goes after a rock, all you have to do is have one of them be empty and there goes that attempt unless you wipe. It's probably best to have only one person go after the rocks and hope and pray they're correct.
  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I got this with a few random people a few nights ago. At a bare minimum the description should be changed to something like 'the FIRST 4 piles dug up'. Around the 5th attempt we actually eliminated the 4 duds first, then dug up the 4 driftwoods..."IN A ROW" which is all the feat defines....nothing to do with it being the FIRST 4, yet that appears to be an unwritten parameter.

    For the record we did seem to sense a pattern. I believe much like the 'golden path' feat in Lab, there are only so many room combos, and if you know which pattern that set of rocks comes out in, you can indeed know where the good ones are. Not sure if it's 5 room layouts or 500 though....so good luck to anyone who wants to do the research.

    You are probably still better off going in with groups of a tank and 1 other, let the tank hold the adds while the 2nd person digs. Get a dud, go lean against the spike wall. While those 2 people are respawning, another 2 can go in and do it over, it makes it faster than having 8 people standing in the room and having to wipe/respawn/repair each time a fail happens.

    And all this for 25 points...Good luck