FoS 2 Split Party Section

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Heartsbane, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. Heartsbane Committed Player

    Why do people that are full T4 think this shouldn't be ran in 4 man groups? Twice in the last 3 weeks, a leaguemate and I have easily worked a hallway alone with just a healer to back us up (he's a damager). I have people literally cuss me out when I ask how we want to split it up.

    I just find it silly that I'm laughed at and told that it is MUCH faster to keep the whole raid together and warp back and forth.

    I get it if the group is full of newer characters, but when 6 or 7 out of the 8 are 85+ cr, this just seems ridiculous.
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  2. Balut New Player

    Its because not all are as awesome as you. Lol.

    Stay awesome!
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  3. Little Sister New Player

    I still don't understand how this exploit is around after a year and a half >.>
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  4. lalady New Player

    I totally agreen with you heartsbane.

    I've found that just because people have a good cr doesn't mean they are necessarily good or experienced players.
    I was in an fos2 run the other day with a 87cr dps who had never run fos2 and had 67sp....we had to explain everything to him. :S
  5. Anhur Committed Player

    Because they probably aren't confident or capable of doing the 4 and 4 split.

    Definitions of exploit vary, it is only the official party that can say either way, that party being SoE.

    SoE have neither confirmed nor denied if the warp to rally method was intended or not, what I do know is, they haven't sought to change it, and a lot of teams would never have gotten through the raid if they didn't employ this.
  6. recespieces31 New Player

    If you really want the Speed feat, then splitting up is the bast way to go about it, but some players don't care
  7. CCBatson Dedicated Player

    To be honest, I had terrible first experiences with the FOS raids (likely due to being with bad groups), and so I did my darndest to avoid ever doing them again because of the terrible taste they had left me with. Plus I was lucky enough to already be geared enough to go on Gates runs by the time I was interested in FOS. I was also never a very big Superman fan, being more of a Shazam and DC Vertigo/Magic fan. So I eventually figured out that since FOS held little appeal for me, in both a thematic and practical sense, I would never do them again. Recently I went back to trying FOS all over and it's been a different experience- BUT I have had to reacquaint myself with all the raid all over again and 'DONE RIGHT' this time. So don't think that just because people need to have the raid broken down for them that they are 'inexperienced' at the game overall. Many folks I suspect are like me, and avoid certain content just because it holds little fascination for them in terms of the DC IP.
  8. risen New Player

    Pretty much. But I think everybody has a bad first experience with FoS due to dying horribly. I attempted this when I was first able to get in. Didn't try again till I was cr 62. Seems to me most ppl like to take the easy way. We tried the 4 man split a few times before being successful, but this was the same group that could pass avatar of meta. I like to pug for fun sometimes I've gone into some that were going for 400+ minutes and wonder why.
  9. Ivy Bird Committed Player

    In regards the whole is it an exploit or not discussion I don't think soe class it as such, when they found out people were doing it they ninja-boosted the number of adds in both corridors.
  10. MercPony Devoted Player

    I prefer to split up at that section due to Lex Luthor tending to glitch and make the raid unfinishable using the other method people tend to use... every time I was with a group that tried that Lex messed up the raid and would not fix himself lol When I ran it and the group split up Lex never glitched.
  11. Heartsbane Committed Player

    I just find it to be significantly more fun split up. I'm full T4 in both controller and damage role. Splitting up is the only way I can challenge myself in that raid and even that is proving to be a low challenge. I think I'm just tired of people who want to make everything as easy as possible and not have a risk of dying. Today, my 71 CR healer solo healed part of Gates. It was a blast!
  12. CCBatson Dedicated Player

    Don't get me wrong. I like the split-up method when everyone is squared away and knows what to do. But here's an example of when NOT to do that... just recently I was with a group that was a mish-mash of undergeared and overgeared, first-timers, and had a horrible role make-up. There were 4 DPS, 2 tanks, 1 troller, and me healing. The group leader tried hard, but kept splitting the group up and of course all the DPS ran off ahead and went down the path without the troller. Imagine what happened next. Rinse. Wash. Repeat. I finally said take the whole group down one path and then the other using Warp to Rally. Unfortunately Lex kept glitching and the leader got worried that people had to be there to keep Lex from dying while everyone was on the other side. I just wanted to finish the darn raid, but eventually I got fed up and left.
  13. Heartsbane Committed Player

    Ouch. I always split it with one group containing a healer, controller, the tank and the top damager. The other side gets the second and third damagers and the other healer and controller. It never fails when people know how to play their roles. I know, I know. I expect too much.
  14. risen New Player

    I don't see how a faction could role through each corridor with our a healer and troll lol