Food for Thought

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by mrforklift, Oct 24, 2020.

  1. mrforklift Level 30

    Working in the IT industry, I get that Devs have to balanace a lot of requests and concerns from a lot of different masters, often at odds with each other. With massive games like this, it gets more complex as people play this game for different reasons/objectives. As I go through some things here, I ask that all take it as "food for thought" -- This is not to meant to be a rant post.

    I have always enjoyed the basic concept of this game -- players creating their own characters to exist in a comic-book universe rich in lore. Playing this since beta, there have been some things I liked and some I haven't. Probably the biggest struggle at times over the years seems to be the "blind eye" that feels like it is cast on those players in the age range of 35-65. I was 40 when this game came out; I had a full-time job and a lot of things I did in the real world. This game was a nice way to unwind after a rough day or when I wanted to kill a couple of hours. It stayed that way until the era of "monthly content". This was the first time that the game felt like a grind because if you missed even one day or played less than 2 hours in that day, you fell woefully behind. Thankfully that era ended, leading into AF3. Sure, there was grinding stuff there, but it felt like I could miss a couple of days and it wouldn't be bad. If I didn't want to do elite stuff, that was fine -- I had more than enough to enjoy the game, as did others in my age range and busy schedule.

    Wonderverse is a mixed bag for me. I give the Devs credit for attempting to change some things up based on input from what I feel is a small, but extremely loud, group. However, it feels like the pendulum has swung too far in one direction and those of us who do not have the time to fully embrace it feel like we are being pushed away from a game we enjoyed. I loved seeing older DLCs have some open world stuff, a solo, a duo, a couple of alerts, and a couple of raids. I am sure creating a lot of that content was not easy on the Devs. However with Wonderverse, and it appears the upcoming Legion, the ability to have things to queue into have been reduced to a point where those leagues that like to run regular raid schedules have little to schedule. Not because we don't want to run older stuff, but because the way things are set up with Wonderverse, you feel like you are falling behind if you aren't in Themiscyra constantly killing open world bounties.

    But that is not the only problem with the "time suck". Each rotation of open-world bounties takes 30 minutes. In order to get everything you need to get to satisfy goals/feats/etc., you have to run the rotation at least 4-6 times a day (2-3 hours). That is even taking into account the bonus weekends that make you feel like you have to spend every waking hour. Luckily I have no kids or family to deal with, so I don't have to worry about those responsibilities -- but I do work 9-12 hours a day before I get a chance to log in. I got so burned out on this content, that I could not force myself to log in for 2 weeks straight, despite knowing how far behind I am. Sadly, when Legion comes out, people are not going to be pounding open-world Themiscyra bounties near as much, which will make getting those last items even harder. Plus, you are going to feel pressure to stay with Legion, for fear of falling behind with its open world.

    At this point, I am sure some or most of you have adopted some type of "ok grandpa, go smoke your pipe in the corner and leave us alone." That is actually going to happen more than you would expect. People over 35 want to have fun with this game and do not want to limit the fun had by those with loads more time to play. But we do need the help of the Devs to think about these things as they balance the wishes of different masters.

    I hope Legion turns out to be fun, but at some point, I do want to do more than just battle in large groups. BOP had a good balance and didn't feel grindy, same with JLD.

    Again just food for thought...