Is there even anyone left good at testing legends left to test him? Hey, Brice they finally got to your fave. Is your sub still up? I really can't bare another Shazam/Black Adam. Legends is place I can occasionally still get some fun in PvP during the times I'm not forever stuck facing Shazams, Black Adams, and Catwomans, and I would hope to keep that little bit of fun alive.
I still have a sub until April of next year but after the Shazam and Black Adam testing fiasco I refuse to waste time testing anything for DCUO at this point. Not to mention I haven't even played DCUO for almost 2 months right now. I just log in to get my monthly reward and log out. Others can waste their time testing if they like man. But it won't be me.
His blockbreaker appears to teleport you right to your targeted enemy, so it is the first blockbreaker that automatically bring you to whoever you are trying to blockbreak. He appears to have a modified weapon. I don't know for sure, but from descriptions some people have given it sounds like his weapon might be the same form of modified Brawling that Zod and Ursa have, as they both have a tap melee x5 weak version of Haymaker.
Yeah, legends is all we have left in pvp terms.. i do them sometimes.. I'm looking a "FLASH" using SS movement and a few electric powers.. <--- (THIS IS ONLY my own EXPECTATIVE, not a reality). lol..
how good I am at pvp is a matter of debate but I will endeavor to try him out. Unfortunately I'm not the level of tester /droid you are looking for. but I do like legends