Fixing League Bank stacking issue

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Prindacerk, Jan 30, 2024.

  1. Prindacerk Committed Player

    When will the devs fix the issue with items stacking up in league bank? Unlike normal bank or shared bank slots, when you place the same item in league bank that should be stackable, it doesn't. If you manually add the item to the same slot, it would. But if you just add the item to the bank, it uses up a new slot. And you can't adjust it again unless you have remove priviledges. You can't even merge them without taking it out of the bank because it treats it as removal action.

    This uses up a lot of slots by those who don't have removal priviledges and just adding. Really inconvenient.
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  2. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Have you asked for removal privileges?
  3. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    again the broker started to display 'item" "item" :item". add this too.
  4. Prindacerk Committed Player

    Not everyone gets it. And people just add junk into the bank as well. I'd rather it doesn't fill up the banks and don't need a bank manager always cleaning up. If everyone has removal privilege, they may take stuff from bank just cause they can.
  5. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Again, have you asked for removal privileges?

    If you’re given privileges, your problem is solved.

    If you’re not given privileges, stop caring - as it’s not your responsibility to organize the league bank per your league rank.
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  6. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I think they're saying they have the option, but other people don't, and they're tired of having to clean it up. Anyway, what would be so horrible about making stackables stack like they do everywhere else? If 4 people each add one (for example) Ancient Vellum, the way it is now you end up with 4 stacks each of 1 Ancient Vellum, whereas in the player bank, shared bank, and inventory, you would have 1 stack of 4 Ancient Vellum.
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  7. Prindacerk Committed Player

    Exactly. I'm playing bank manager every day at the start of the day and end of the day. Especially with Seasonal where they throw in all sorts of stuff that should be stacked in the inventory. And when the inventory is full, other players can't put in the bank what they want.

    And not everyone gets full access to all banks as well. Maybe Bank 1 but Bank 2 gets only Adding privilege until they qualify as safe players for removal privilege. That doesn't mean they can chuck in anything they want. And you can't blame them either cause they will say they did it accidentally and can't fix it themselves since they don't have the privilege. The issue is the glitch in the bank itself that is not stacking like everywhere else.
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  8. Plowed In Loyal Player

    I get it, but this is the way “shared inventory works.” If people are junking up the league bank with worthless items, take away all rights and/or send them a mail message. They could always mail those items directly to “you” to put in when you’re ready.

    Inventory, shared bank, and player bank are only 1 person, so it’s easier to use stacking commands, merge, split. What would happen if 2 people were in the league bank at the same time…this kinda thing.

    No harm in asking, but there’s plenty of ways to address it that aren’t complete slogs. If they ever get to rework league halls/league stuff…I could see this being included.
  9. Prindacerk Committed Player

    And thus requiring a league bank manager role.

    Same thing as what it does when people take stacked items from the bank at the same time. Adding stacked items is less impacting than taking from stacked items and it's already dealt with.
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Furthermore...if the same people keep filling it with junk, take AWAY their add to permissions.

    We had a guy who'd do this every week back in the day with all the 'junk' drops you'd get like rubber chickens and stuff, or the old consumables no one wanted. He lost his privileges and the issue went away.

    Or make 1 'bank' an all access one where everyone gets deposit and remove, but they don't get the other 3....or other 2 or whatever. Those are reserved for management or people who've shown they are trustworthy. Most people aren't dropping black smoke auras or Flaming Phoenix feathers in there I'd guess, so let the new players dump their soders and worthless plans in the 1 or 2 junk banks. If they fill up, ah well.
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  11. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Then, to be honest, it sounds like you’re micro-managing the league bank. Do you have a structured set up for the various banks? We would keep banks 1 and 2 open for all and banks 3 as deposit only and bank 4 deposit and withdraw restricted to very high ranking.

    So we’d have whatever going into bank 1 and 2 and rare stuff that people wanted to share in bank 3 (stacks of catalysts for current episodes, auras, materials. You could also add it to your message of the day in terms of what you want in each bank…some people will not get the message and you can restrict all their privileges.

    If you’ve got a lot of free-to-play players…encourage them to buy inventory space or just sell their junk, rather than junking up your league bank.
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  12. Prindacerk Committed Player

    We already have the tiered system as you mentioned where 3 and 4 is protected. 1 is free and 2 is deposit free with withdraw to mid rank players. That's the problem. Players use up 1 and 2 quickly so other players can't put anything more. Especially in this anniversary for example. We have those 2018 Brainiac Neural Network Base Items which goes for a feat. Now those items are stackable. But let's say people have been checking in those items without stacking them up or checking if it's already there. Then people also put in all the random base items that's not related to the feats in the banks. Both Bank 1 and 2 gets filled up. So new players who log in to put Brainiac Neural Network Base Items that's not currently there cannot do so. Because they can't, they are not putting it and either mailing it to the officers on the league or chucking it away as donation. When it could help someone else finish their collection and get the feat.

    Your suggestions are to regularly manage the bank which is the micro managing part. I want the bank to work in stacking way like other inventory/bank/storage we have in the game. This is either a bug or an oversight by the devs because it makes no sense for it not stacked. Especially when you can take it out of the bank and stack it in your inventory and put back the stack as a whole. So no purpose for it not stack up initially when putting the item.
  13. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Again, it sounds like you need to be more choosey in what your league is sharing with one another…there is a lot of possible loot to share…base items are cheap enough during the Anny Event, I wouldn’t recommend saving them or you’re constantly going to be overwhelmed with moving things around. Share directly/mail to one another, or sell on broker.
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  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Reading what you wrote about how it's set up, it sounds like it's only bank 2 anyway. Bank 1 can be added/withdrawn, so people can stack their own stuff, and bank 3 and 4 are protected, so they should not be an issue unless the 'high rank' players also don't have common sense. What is the reason to have the split permission on bank 2...other than to cause this issue?

    Easy solution, either everyone gets bank 2 withdraw...or bank 2 is also 'protected' like 3 and 4. Whatever way you go, the 'open' bank/banks, if filled, someone can take whatever they want and delete/sell/eat. If people are not checking and taking the items before the bank can fill...or the people inserting items don't know enough to stack things when spots are full and stacking is an option...well...they can quit putting things in then, or learn better bank management in the process. Win-win.

    Now...that all having been said, SHOULD it stack like bank or inventory....sure, why not? However the 'fix' for the problem is much simpler that a programming change, and can be done today.
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