Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by TheReplacement, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. Nobody New Player

    Don't be hating on gadgets just because someone schooled you in 1v1. It's not gadgets fault you lost.
  2. Anti Bezz New Player

    Dump Trunk i his name change lmao. He is actually the first fire user who started wd>fw clip before people knew about wd. Not getting into an argument, but Your name isn't known either. I have heard of Sore, Ommar also but imo those are just forum names. So people that do try to name drop ill disagree with both of you there, but since i have played with DT before kinda got his back a bit.
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  3. tthedoctorr New Player

    I don't really try to make my name that known. I hate raiding anymore. man, sore, chuck, buddz, h3llfire used me the hell up. i'd get ninja invited to give power to raids that were having problems solely because they couldn't stop arguing. hell, superskunkbros has been a two man league since the game started. well, we did have shatanka for a while, but I was nega scott then... and even then, all the players of this game do is yell at each other and either tell people they suck when they beat them or cry about how something is unfair when they lose. after seeing people who can still make fire work well for them in game, yeah, I do hate hearing people cry about it on here. even if they do have 5 more sp than I do. hell, I've lived through just about every controller nerf on dc... I've cried and been put in my place. later on, sure enough, I found a way to make it work for me again.

    sometimes we just need to realize, especially after a change in the mechanics of a power or when switching to a new one: we might have to change our playstyle to match the way the powerset works, instead of crying to make the powerset work according to "my" specific playstyle. and while he may be great, he does need to realize he's not the greatest or the only great player out there; you can't win every number crunch...
  4. Dump Truck New Player

    Wow. You really have no clue what you are talking about.

    Clearly, I have yet to figure out fire. I hope that someday somebody could help me by telling me what I should be doing. Perhaps if I was somebody, somebody who knew the fire power set inside and out, I would be able to effectively use fire. Until then, I'll just have to replay FOS3 over and over.

    Someday I will be a good DPS like tthedoctorr who apparently knows how to use fire, a power set he is not, better than I do. Until then, I'll just be a nobody.

    It's not that I think I am special, tthedoctorr, it is that I have a record since launch of helping to write guides and instructing players "how to" use fire effectively. I also have a track record of never liking or using meteor - but admitting that the former meteor was more effective, and also consistently being one of the first players to figure out fire through all the changes and nerfs it has been subject to-and sharing that advice with players. Never have I said fire is terrible, only that I would have changed the powers differently. Before you spew that I or anybody spammed powers, perhaps you should take a look at who you are replying to or follow your own advice because you are only being a hypocrite if you say things like...
    and then claim I, or anybody else, only spammed powers or cannot effectively play the game.

    It is a good thing you changed your name, NegaScott, your former league had quite a record in game for exploits in pvp, like the hard light stun exploit which you were a huge user of, and rocking 10 million pets locking players up and forcing disconnects in PVP. Thank you for sharing your name with us. I am sure many can now conclude your credibility.

    I know who I am, and many other players can attest, both in game and on the forums. I also know very well about your former name and league - and their track record of utilizing exploits and glitches to win. If you want to participate in a reasonable discussion about fire, go for it. But to claim that players only tell others they suck, and then doing so yourself, is hypocritical. And your choice of players to claim that to is quite laughable.
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  5. tthedoctorr New Player

    lol you have no clue about my league... if you do, name the other leaguemate. the only other one who has been here the whole time. he's never changed his name. you can think I use exploits because shatanka needed a league at one point, but you've got it entirely mistaken if you think I do. and it wasn't NegaScott... it was Nega Scott. I was the original, guy. don't get it twisted. you don't know superskunkbros, if you're as good as you say you are, we would remember each other if we had run together. we haven't. it happens, it's a big game and there are plenty of top tier players to play with.

    and how is my choice a laugh? hell, two of em stopped playing BECAUSE THEY HAD EVERYTHING IN THE GAME!! very laughable, indeed. sure, man might not be the greatest... ...but he's probably the most connected player in the game. and when ou laugh at sore, you laugh at your own choice. all I said to do was ask him if I know my ****... did you? ask him if exploit. then come back at me. that's your credible source. what? you scared to be told that sometimes, some of the greatest players in the game have no ****in clue who you are? cause I don't.

    I know, it stings that little bit of pride you've got... somebody doesn't know who you are in a video game. hell, if you were really good, you wouldn't care who didn't know your name, cause at least then, they're not asking (or ninja inviting) you all the time. why do you think I change names so often? just for the quiet of it.

    but maybe... just maybe, you should try reading one of the new guides on fire and learning from somebody else. I mean, I know you've got a "reputation" to uphold to be like tthe doctor (somebody actually took my name in the forums... crazy, I know), but everybody needs a little guidance sometime. have you even tried what other people have said is working well for them? have you even considered that it might be (and I know this might sting) your gameplay that is leading to poor results you're encountering? like I said, I've been slapped in the face with it a time or two... no shame in it
  6. Dump Truck New Player

    Did I ever say fire was bad? Or that I was struggling with fire? Hey, someone had to beat Paradox to let the devs know the bugs with it. Where did I call out Sore? I said, you telling me to L2P with fire, is like calling out Sore to L2P with Nature, or Omaar with HL.... which it is. Again, you really have no clue what you are talking about.

    You are just making stuff up to have any form of an argument at all. You already lost this one. You're acting like a child with your inaccurate insults and only exacerbating that with additional posts.
  7. C3alix Committed Player

    ...people still complain about fire?
  8. TrueMarvel New Player

    SOme people feel as if things could have been handled better.
  9. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    Thinking about it, you are right. The only similarly geared people that keep up with me are the powers who shall not be named. I just don't like to over estimate myself or my power set damage potential wise. Then again I'm a firm believer that not everyone can be "equal".
  10. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    Yea it's not that it's bad. It is just that we expected some more significant changes not one that made ok powers like meteor practically unusable. Such a badass power too.
  11. TrueMarvel New Player

    if they fix meteor, it will be glorious. It is the most unneeded nerf i have ever seen.
  12. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    All we wanted it to do was explode and not obstruct view. Now decrease cool down or decrease daamge. it could have been a solid filler move but noooooooooooooo they took the coolest move we had away from us.
  13. Neptune New Player

    i hope in the future fire revamp, self-heal is worth the power point. The self-heal will act as shield. suppose we get hit by 4k damge, the self-heal will heal almost the same amount of damage they take(3k self-heal). As the conclusion, the remaining damage (1k) will be the only damage the fire tank get. This will bring the fire tank same line as ice tank. And as for 35% super-charge, let the supercharge give fire tank full health back.
  14. H2 Pwn Well-Known Player

    Quit crying for nerfs. Gadgets is the only troll power without a group shield super charge
  15. TheReplacement New Player

    fire need a shield ill be happy with that
  16. tthedoctorr New Player

    well, I think you suck. you can't prove me wrong, so you're just crying like every other noob. keep cryin chump, you're not the "sore" of fire. get bent froob. conversation over. maybe you shouldn't have been a child with inaccurate insults yourself, scrub. we don't glitch and you have no clue who we are. way to call me a liar after lying to try to win. we like it that way. you seem to cry when people don't know who you are and don't care. that's the true sign of a nobody who doesn't matter.
  17. Dump Truck New Player

    This is too much. I need a drink. Anybody else want one?
  18. FrostyMagma New Player

    fire with a shield? would rather have better resto

    YOU CANT NERF SKILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:
  19. StarGangster New Player

    i wont say fire is weak but i would love to see the damage get raised some im getting tired of every tank and troller class with the shield mod being able to out heal all my power damage im a t5 84 pvp cr tank granted i would like to hit somone for more than 9 damage while there in there shield and since u increased the other tanks healing ability how about increasing the healing ability of the one power that has no shield like for instance Stoke flames i have 1343 resto and 880 dom and unless i get a crit heal i barly get a heal thats 200. im not saying any major changes but make it so stoke flames heal more have it so firey weapon has a chance of healing more than once and over heat the single heal that u have to either run immoltion or inferno to get is the weakest of any heal move and even asorb heat out damages it unless u popping it on one person in a group. btw the damage boost when you use inferno and overheat together is laughable it only lke 5 more damage per tic at most
  20. TrueMarvel New Player

    Sorry man. I'm only 17.