Final Straw

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Anxient, May 31, 2017.

  1. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    Can i have your stuff?

    Just kidding i left 6 months ago ,best decision ever this game is just too greedy. I won't say sad to see you go because i know you are going to be much happier. :)
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  2. SocratesGS Well-Known Player

    I'm right there with you. After today's announcement I have to reevaluate how I want to spend my time. I definitely don't like working instead of playing. The membership's bang for the buck has been gone a while (since at least AF3 came out if not longer) and you're right, it's much cheaper & more enjoyable to just buy a brand new game for $60 and leave DCUO. The forums have been filled with people's voices of dissatisfaction and they will not listen. I don't understand how they process this information and think that they can keep on doing this crap and ignore us. For every voice on this forum, there are many more who just quit silently. I just might follow you out the door. Best of luck and hopefully we cross paths elsewhere!
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  3. killercomic Dedicated Player

    The only interactions I've had with you were on the forums, but it was always a pleasure. I hope you and your wife find a game you enjoy the way you once enjoyed this one.
  4. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    I'm about done as well this crap need to stop we pay for nothing membership wise
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  5. SilkyPawz Bunny

    Sorry to see you go :(

    I wish they would listen , sadly it falls on deaf ears. An wonderful loyal players/fans quitting daily *sigh*.
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  6. zor ile Well-Known Player

    oh if I could write proper and in correct feelings I would but The Anxient has put my thoughts into words.
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  7. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    You Two have obviously forgotten or haven't heard about how the CR differential System makes or breaks SM in today's DCUO.

    Thankfully, we have a response from mepps saying this.
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  8. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    I have to laugh at the OP comments. Not because I'm being cynical. It's because yet again the art department is singled out as the only ones who seem to know what they're doing. *thumbs up*
  9. Protecktor MKV Committed Player

    I'm sure leagues are gonna take a major hit when this drops and people start quitting. The grind is getting worse and worse while they keep trying to monetize every aspect of the game. I dont want a second job DCUO.
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  10. ColdFuzion Well-Known Player

    you have me also
  11. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Oi, get back to farming because you ain't going anywhere ;)
  12. mexmex Dedicated Player

    indeed that is th
    e wiser curse to take, Agree in every point made, sadly all this is true, and it seems to get worse and worse every time. sigh Still sad to see a product you used to love, going trash this fast
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  13. mexmex Dedicated Player

    this time a lot will follow
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  14. IamINC Dedicated Player

    I've had messages from others who already have ,some on here , some in my leagues.
  15. Controller Devoted Player

    Not going anywhere here.

    Not logging in quite as much and will not replay quite as much with this DLC due to my involvement with Fallout 4 but will keep my membership up with DCUO.

    I think with this DLC I'll end up grinding through it a bit longer.

    Game isn't perfect and I get what most here are saying but I choose to stay until the servers are shut down.
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  16. xxOMNIPOTENTxx Committed Player

    The grind is definitely beginning to feel like a secondary job, and the RnG blasphemy keeps pushing me further to the exit(s).
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  17. mexmex Dedicated Player

    the revamp is not addressing anything mentioned in this thread anyway
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  18. light FX Steadfast Player

    I always get a small chuckle when people use the "forums are only 1-2% of the population" reasoning. Now ive used it before too. But why im saying this is i know so many players who read the forums but never post or have a forum account but just dont use it. But they speak ingame or in discord or teamspeak or whatever 3rd party voice chat people use. Just because people dont say it on here doesnt mean they dont share the same opinion.

    I have had many league mates and friends say to me "i dont post on there because i dont feel my opinion is gonna matter or be heard." I had an enormous friends list ingame. Hundreds of people. The only time i see more then 5 or 6 of em on at the same time now is the 1st few days of new content. I mean non league mates. So where have they all gone? Like u said, silently quit. Ive had 3 league mates since friday quit. And 3 others say they wont be playing anything close to the time they used to play. That is 6 hardcore vet players. How many leagues in the last year folded because most of the members quit? I thought the goal of MMOs was player retention?
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  19. Enemy Ace Well-Known Player

    Sprinters who have no idea they are running a marathon.
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  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    i doubt it will die
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