Final Base Item 4 feats

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MrsSupreme, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. MrsSupreme New Player

    Ok people of the forum, I have a quick question for you all. I am hunting for my final 4 base items to complete the feats. By no means am I looking for a handout, I am more than willing to farm for them, I just need some help figuring out which instances to farm. The items I'm looking for are: playhouse accent table, playhouse armoire, dynasty accent table, and Royal dynasty bed. I know these things are available in the broker, however I am super cheap and not willing to pay millions for something I can just farm for. Thanks to all who provide info, helping a sister out, in advance it is greatly appreciated.
  2. Jovaa Well-Known Player

    I bought most of mine, but I got the Royal Dynasty Bed from the old PvP reward boxes.
  3. Derio 15000 Post Club

    playhouse accent table and armoire drop in t2 weekly boxes. Got my armoire from greenhouse challenge. Dynasty stuff i just bought from broker because its cheap, but I found many by doing the one where you fight felix faust.
  4. Little Sister New Player

    A few people in my league got the Playhouse Armoire from the Mannheim Challenge. That's what I'm looking for and currently farming. I believe they said it was a trash mob drop.

    EDIT: What I'd really like to know is where everyone is finding the Mystical stuff. I'm missing so much of that !