Up-Votes Needed Ferris Aircraft Atrocitus Bug

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by MissKoriandr, Feb 17, 2023.

  1. MissKoriandr New Player

    When running the alert today with some randoms (Ferris Aircraft), played until the section where you follow a path to the Ferris Aircraft area. We were prompted with "Cull Red Lanterns to attract Atrocitus" so we eliminated every single NPC on the map and waited. Atrocitus failed to show up at all. We double checked and backtracked, killing every NPC we could find, even non-red lanterns, but still, nothing.

    We wound up disbanding, which left us feeling rather disheartened. The only other mention of this was from another forum post from like 2015 which no one replied to.

    I'll add some screenshots so you can see we cleared the whole strip out.