Favorite Fictional Characters

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by StillCheckmate, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. StillCheckmate Committed Player

    My top ten have to be:

    1) Artemis Entreri. The single most badass being ever to walk the face of ... Faerûn. Highly trained assassin, has a dagger that can steal the life of anything it stabs, has a sword that can only be held by a select few people on the face of his world (lest they be mentally nominated by it and turned into ash), and is the only human ever to stand his own in hand-to-hand combat against Drizzt Do'Urden. So yeah. Deathstroke times fifty.


    2) Black Adam. You better know who he is.


    3) Kronos/Saturn. Lord of Time, father of the Gods, leader of the Titans. Sucks that his children decided to slice him and dice him and throw him into Tartarus, he wasn't all that bad.


    4) Artemis Fowl. Basically a kid genius. He discovered a race of fairies, stole the priceless painting "The Fairy Thief", stole millions of dollars worth of these same fairies' gold, made a device that could hack into anything electronic out of stolen fairy technology, stopped a bomb from exploding half the planet, and kept demons from taking over the world, all before he was considered an adult. Basically the kid you wish your kid could be.


    5) Darth Bane. He's the Sith'ari. You know, the guy who became a Sith then decided the Sith Empire wasn't cutting it for him. What did he do about it? He took down the entire thing with a thought bomb, and walked away as the only living Sith in the galaxy, basically doing in five seconds what the Jedi couldn't do in millennium. Then, he found an apprentice and started the rule of two. One master, one apprentice. When the apprentice kills the master (and is therefore stronger than the master), he/she becomes the master and finds a new apprentice. He also trained Darth Zanna (like come on guys that's like +5,000 points on the awesome chart) and at one point was covered in deadly parasites called orbalisks. Instead of dying like anybody other than Darth Bane would have, he used the parasites as armor for ten years of his life. (That's another +5,000 points, amirite?)


    6) Jarlaxle Baenre. He's from the same universe as Artemis Entreri, only he had it worse, if you can imagine that. Born as the third male son of a matron mother in the city of Menzoberranzan, he was to be sacrificed to the Spider Queen Lolth at birth. He survived (though I won't tell you how). The society he was born into was female-dominated. Matron mothers cruelly ruled their respective houses. Males couldn't speak to women without permission, males couldn't look at a woman without permission, and males were often whipped or killed by women for walking too close to the women. However, Jarlaxle found a way out of all this. He formed a band of mercenaries called Bregan d'Aerthe. His ragtag group of buddies who were fed up with society eventually became powerful enough that he could look at a matron mother and call her by her first name without being killed, a first for any male in that society.


    7) Uncle Ruckus. He was apparently born white, but he was born with a disease called revintiligo. He describes it as "the opposite of what Michael Jackson had." It caused a small brown patch on his skin to grow larger and larger until he was indistinguishable from the average black male. He was born to a white family, but upon learning about his disease, they left him on the doorstep of a black family. Nonetheless, he's as racist as they get. He's also getting a movie in the near future.


    8) Drizzt Do'Urden. Same universe as Artemis Entreri and Jarlaxle Baenre, only he was a good guy. Instead of becoming an assassin or forming a band of mercenaries, Drizzt left his home city altogether and made way to Icewind Dale, where he met friends who would stick with him for a lifetime. Sadly, a drow lives an average of eight lifetimes, so he lived to see each and every one of these friends die. He's currently in the process of figuring his life out now that he has no friends and the entire world is racist towards him because he is a drow, a race notorious for their cruelty and malevolence.


    9) Nathan Drake. An honest treasure hunter often plagued by misfortunes which he doesn't deserve. His life sucks, but he eventually meets somebody he loves. If you don't know his story (which you should), all you need to know is his parents sent him off to boarding school (which he hated) so he left and made himself a life on the streets. He was living on the streets until he met Victor Sullivan, who became like a father to him. Now he's a big-time treasure hunter with no shortage of enemies.


    10) Megatron. I just love how he's powerful AND HE KNOWS IT. He doesn't hold back, he doesn't savor victory and gloat, he just does what he needs to do and moves on. The ending of Transformers: Prime was cheesy because first off, if you stab somebody then pull them towards you, they don't magically fall away from you because **** logic, they fall forwards into a magical puddle of water that resurrects them. Secondly, you don't survive three shots from a fusion cannon to the chest because you fell in a puddle of magic water. You die. Thirdly, Optimus never could and never will be able to take Megatron in a fight like he did in that last episode. So Megatron is still alive in my book. Anyways, less venting and more talking about Megatron. He's the leader of the Decepticons. He died once, but came back to live twice as powerful as GALVATRON. He's a master manipulator (at one point he was able to trick Optimus Prime into thinking he was a Decepticon), he has a fusion cannon (like seriously how can you beat that), and he was a champion gladiator in the pits of Kaon, so he knows how to fight. He also is the only one to ever learn how to control Dark Energon, and so can control resurrected bodies of fallen Cybertronians (transfomers). Lastly, much like Zod (only better), all he wants to do is restore his home planet of Cybertron, which was turned into a wasteland by the great war between Autobots and Decepticons. So he's not even a bad person.


    Thanks for reading, feel free to post your favorite fictional characters.
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  2. General Zod 10000 Post Club

    • Like x 1
  3. Treat New Player

    • Like x 2
  4. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club


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  5. BLK Well-Known Player

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  6. StillCheckmate Committed Player

    You guys are horribly predictable ...
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  7. General Zod 10000 Post Club

  8. Meta Flare New Player

    kakashi hatake. naruto

    ulquiorra cifer. bleach

    commander shepard. fem edges out normy by a little bit.


    mirajane strauss.

    harley quinn.

    the huntress.

    hawk girl.

    auron from ff10

    dante from devil maycry series

    teen gohan. not the whiny kid version or the lame adult version or great saiyaman, teen gohan.

    im going to quit now cuz i already left off so many that ive listed in other threads. i only put these ones cuz i didnt in those other threads.
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  9. Notangie New Player

    Lily Aldrin, How I Met Your Mother

    Michael Scott, The Office

    Dwight K. Schrute, The Office (his character is amusing, yet the real-life person I know who is just like him...ugh)

    I used to like Batman up until like half an hour ago when I found out Ben Affleck was going to ruin him
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  10. StillCheckmate Committed Player

    +1 because
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  11. StillCheckmate Committed Player

    Only liked him because his pistols were so awesome
  12. Meta Flare New Player

    possibly the best guns ever in my opinion. ebony and ivory are the shiznit.

    i cant believed you didnt like him as a character though, thats crazy. i thought everyone liked him.
  13. StillCheckmate Committed Player

    Only played DmC at a friend's house, overused the pistols to the point where friend told me if I used them again he wasn't gonna let me play.
  14. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player


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  15. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    That's why I said "duh"
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  16. SuperSoldier Devoted Player


    Now you have my permission to /thread.
  17. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    Elric of Melinbone.
  18. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    LOL! That's a win! LMAO!
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  19. Epic Wins New Player

    My Girlfriend
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  20. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Sonny Chiba. Good call.