Fatal Exam Guide FE

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by TemporalHawk, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. TemporalHawk Well-Known Player


    at the first boss room you will get one of 3 bosses hawkgirl weather wizard or kid flash kid flash being the worst and usaly requiring a healer. during the boss fight the bosss will become shielded to remove the shield you must match all 3 consuls on wall to the shield the boss has that you want to remove.

    its best to assign one person to activate switches to avoid confusion. the shield colors are green which heals the boss orange cloudy which reduces incoming damage and clear which cause you to be inturupted and knocked back when you damage boss.


    in the wind tunnel don't enter room till all your group arrives when in wind tunel use block and roll to move around to prevent being blown away.

    the safest way to pass this room is to have 2 players on switches in back and 2 players on switches forward to lock down floors never advance to next floor until previous floor is locked down

    if you roll of on to a floor and it isn't locked down or some one isn't on a switch for that floor the floor will reactivate and kill you dead

    at the bare minimum you always need 1 person on a switch in back and two people on a switch in back to advance this test is timed


    this is a simple room first you will clear out the adds then a boss will appear either clatface supergirl or major force

    when the boss apearces simply tank and spank during the boss fight light beams will hit players putting a bubble over there head either putting a dot on them or inturpting them to clear bubble on your head walk in to one of the active light in one of the four corners of room the light will move around the room in a clockwise motion skiping corner where there is a player directly on where it would apear


    this is the final test don't enter this room until all your team mates arive

    when in move fast this is a timed test

    activate the consuls on wall when the consul;s are activated a light will appear on you watch what color its then head to the glowing spot on floor that matches you color to activate the first disk another light of the same color will appear on oposite side of room after first is active go to other side to activate that disk

    the pillopns near consuls pick them up and bring them to center of room

    once machine is built cut screen will happen and boss fight will begin you are facing big barta and mr miricle

    you will either need a good tank to tank these or a good healer to keep group alive
    to pass test dont attack bosses a laser will appear and follow one of your grruop members lead that laser to the matching unshielded panel so the laser destroys the panel its best to stand just behind panel

    keep doing this till all panels are destroyed then you can take down bosses

    if you try to skip the panel part and just burn bosses half way thru there health they will be shielded and undamagable and you will have to clear the panel that match there shield any way

    if a laser beam misses a panel the next laser beam will target the next panel in a clock wise direction

    the tank or heal depending on which you are using should only work on panel if they can there main priority should be keeping group alive till bosses are damgable

    if you follow these steps and complete these test thi alert should take no more than around 15 minutes to do
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