farming collections help!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Stephen Lo, Jan 30, 2017.

  1. Stephen Lo Level 30

    i am just a new player been playing this game for almost 2 weeks. can i farm the same item collections everyday? and can i farm at the same place everyday? it stated in the rules of daybreak farming resources to sell illegitimately, creating an imbalance in the game economy could ban me. what does it mean?
  2. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    Its been a while since these have been relevant to me.

    a quick google search will garner you two or three sites that have all of the briefings, collections and investigations broken down as well as locations, maps and the rewards for completing each one.

    briefings and investigations ("blues" and "greens") locations are static and do not change location. you can only collect them once.

    gold question marks spawn all over the place in the open world and in certain instances. Their locations don't change but there are so many going off and on at all times it appears to be random at first. their contents are always random but may be tied to a certain location or storyline. You can collect them at any time you're at one to interact with one. you can only collection each collection once but they're all tradeable with the rarer ones going for top dollar on the broker.

    the newer breed of collections are contained in time capsules and are evil. the really rare ones are possessed. if you ever come across one you should send it to me immediately and i'll have one of my healers perform the exorcism.
  3. Stephen Lo Level 30

    my question is will i get banned if i farm collections at the same place and same items everyday? cause it was stated in the rules of daybreak "farming resources to sell illegitimately, creating an imbalance in the game economy" could it ban me?
  4. Stephen Lo Level 30

    my question is will i get banned if i farm collections at the same place and same items everyday? cause it was stated in the rules of daybreak "farming resources to sell illegitimately, creating an imbalance in the game economy" could it ban me? and what does farming resources to sell illegitimately means?
  5. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    If you are not using cheats or something, and don't exploit any glitches, and sell the items in-game on the broker, you aren't breaking the rules. So it is fine to farm the same place and same items every day.
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  6. Stephen Lo Level 30

    my question is will i get banned if i farm collections at the same place and same items everyday? cause it was stated in the rules of daybreak "farming resources to sell illegitimately, creating an imbalance in the game economy" could ban me! and what does farming resources to sell illegitimately means?
  7. Stephen Lo Level 30