Family Reunion: Scientists are crazy! (3 bugs)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by YetAnotherFireTank, Jun 26, 2013.

  1. YetAnotherFireTank New Player

    This is a bug from Brothers in Arms
    (my mistake ;) )

    Well, there are actually 3 problems with scientists:

    1. If Scientist are attacked by monsters and another player (no matter if its a player from the same group or a different one) comes to rescue them, they wont follow him but the first player who rescued them... and that wouldn't be so bad if...

    2. Scientists refuse to move towards the museum: Somehow, after they are attacked, they "panic" and therefore everytime you try to rescue and make them follow you they just start running somewhere else, causing them to either reset or just lay down again and wait to be rescued.

    3. Scientists refuse to enter the museum: Even if you manage to scort them, they will refuse to walk in.

    - Are they mad (Did Agent Smith somehow infected them) ?
    - Is it a Scientist strike?
    - Will this be the end of a parallel research on Central City ?

  2. Zpred Dedicated Player

    That's brothers in arms, and there's loads of threads about It and they are working on it.
  3. thirty six Loyal Player

    Lol, yesterday on here, someone called BIA 'Back In Action'. Equally awesome.
  4. YetAnotherFireTank New Player

    My bad ;)
  5. Aqua New Player

    The real issue is this guy's loadout, what you need all those pulls for?
  6. YetAnotherFireTank New Player

    All but mesmerizing lazo are AOE Pulls or push, but all of them play different roles and I certainly dont use all of them at the same time, My loadout is not just to pull but also for stun or knock down; The right sequence gives the DPS more time to inflict damage to helpless enemies and even to save some one's life... anyway, this is not the thread topic ;)
  7. Riqueza New Player

    - Is it a Scientist strike? LOL x'D