Family Reunion (Operation) feedback thread

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Millbarge, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Kristyana New Player

    Not everyone is flight though. Earth has a single target ranged pull, so it could work.

    Fire has the lowest mitigation of the three tanks. In that specific part, I used both the CC shield and the absorption adapter kicked in. They were both gone before the animation even finished. That part is like the bridge in FOS2, where it's easier for an ice tank.
  2. Millbarge Developer

    I'll take a look at the mob count in that area - but if I reduce it - it won't be by much...maybe remove one of the patrols. They are there to protect the relay and will attack anyone trying to hack the relay. They don't respawn - so it may be best to just clear the area first.

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  3. Kristyana New Player

    If it helps, we noticed that once you fail there once, all the mobs you pulled tend to stand there without going back to their original positions or patrol routes. I didn't notice this happening with the Drone robots or other adds, just the mobsters guarding the array.
  4. Tesseract Prime Dedicated Player

    Yeah, they agro really easily, and when you've pulled them together, they just sort of stand there. It becomes really hard to pick them off slowly if you've wiped.
  5. Millbarge Developer

    I'll take a look at this in the morning and get it sorted out. They should be returning to their patrols if they leave combat.

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  6. Kristyana New Player

    Thanks Millbarge :D
  7. Millbarge Developer

    Just updating everyone, I checked in a fix for the patrols - once it gets pushed to the Test Server they should return to their patrols if they successfully defend the relay.
    I also reduced the time it takes for the Oppressors/Mediators to respawn - this fix is coming in later than expected but better late than never. ;)


    *Disclaimer*: We can not guarantee the above changes will be pushed to the Test Server any sooner than soon™.
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  8. Millbarge Developer

    ah - here's that post.
    I checked in a fix for this (see above)

  9. segundoblz New Player

    And about this mission on villain side? Is there even a way to block The Huntress and her one-hit kill that she does every 10-15 seconds or so? Poison Ivy seems to be very easy compared to The Huntress.
    The healer of my team died instantly while even blocking. I thought this mission would be hard, but right now it's just impossible even with attack damage debuff.
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  10. Mustang New Player

    I concur with what segundoblz said. I coud block and The Huntress would instantly kill me or if I tried to roll away she would hit me for over 4-5k damage and kill me anyways.
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  11. Naija born Well-Known Player

    i just managed to finish this and spent about 3hrs in this op.... but i just want to say i had a real BLAST...
    please don't tone it down its fine as it is although spending up to 3hrs in an op that is 4 man maybe to much lol
    this instance was well made imo and we should expect more like this. the catwoman and batman fight were a bit difficult comapred to the other bosses (we had our highest wipe rate there)
    and the last boss too was fun. gj
  12. segundoblz New Player

    How you ever tried to do it on villain side? You should give it a shoot.
  13. Breakxdown New Player

    Thanks a lot for looking into that! I have done this alert twice now since I posted and have had no issues with the Oppressors. :)

    However tonight I ran the alert again and during the fight with Batman and Catwoman I ended up dying right before Batman was at half health. My league mate started to revive me, but during the revive the cutscene of Catwoman showing up kicked in. The cutscene cancelled the revive, so i was out of the fight.
    I'm wondering if maybe the cutscene could be taken out? Or if possible make the revive continue through the cutscene? It's a minor issue, but annoying all the same.
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