Fixed Family Reunion cross faction group issue.

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by IonHero, Sep 13, 2021.

  1. IonHero Committed Player

    When either Task force X/Suicide Squad 'd into Family Reunion,
    While in Central City or Flash Museum, Opposite Faction group members will appear in Purple instead of Blue
    Once you reach Gotham it seems to sort itself out.

    For Characters in the non-native faction version of the Flash Museum,if they die,
    they are sent to their Faction Specific teleporter; which is in a locked room, from the rest of the area.
    This then requires them to return to HoL/WT/HoD, and use the operation teleport to return back into an area to progress.
  2. Millbarge Developer

    I've identified the issue and submitted a change. This should go out in the next hotfix.

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  3. Control Creed Well-Known Player

    Is the "Hand of Fate" content ever going to be Cross-Faction?
  4. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This is resolved now.