Fairy Tail XB1 Hero's are opening their doors

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by The SuperSaiyan, Dec 19, 2016.

  1. The SuperSaiyan New Player

    XB1 Hero's

    A little about us:
    We have been on the Xbox server since launch. Some of us came over from Playstation, where we have multiple years if experience from there. We have a league hall with multiple amenities unlocked. We are a league that looks out for each other and helps each other in every way possible. Whether it be feats or just re running content for someone who hasn't got to run it for that day or week cycle.

    What we are looking for:
    - Players who want to have fun and enjoy the game.
    - Any CR is okay with us, we ask that you're level 30 but no CR requirement.
    - If you're newer, be willing to learn. We can teach you everything you need to know if you have questions.
    - We have no skill point requirement, but it does help. Be willing to work towards these, and you don't have to do it alone we will help you along the way.
    - Be willing to help, we don't want someone who always asks but never helps when asked.
    - Drama Free
    - No creeps, this is a big one for us. We have active female players and have had issues with players pushing the limits with them in terms of language and context used towards them. If this becomes and issue, you will become the weakest link and we will say goodbye.
    -We do also have a line chat, that we use to keep in touch when we're not online.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this, if you're interested you can message myself (The Saiyan), Erza Scarlet, Invel Yura, Altimatum, Tifa Lockhart, Ilevy McGarden, and iMavis Vermillion in game.
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  2. Im Erza Active Player

    For those interested, if you'd like more info do not hesitate to ask here or pm me, you can also contact me Erza Scarlet or any of the others listed in game. We're on pretty much daily at some point. Also for those who are ps/pc only and checking this out hop over to the Dishonored Fate recruitment thread....if you're looking for a cool us/villain league I can get you in there as well.
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  3. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Know a few people here, great folks, I'd recommend joining
  4. Im Erza Active Player

    Awwwww so you do have a heart lol
  5. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Shhhhh. Don't tell anyone.
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  6. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Rump bump
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  7. ImMavis New Player

    Erza, it isn't nice to be rude .
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  8. Hainsworth New Player

    Really interested in joining. You sound like my kinda people. I'm tired of waiting in ques and my current league was a random invite in watchtower. I think I could contribute and I don't mind helping others where I can.
    I run HardLight straight DPS. Cr 141 with 51 skill points in game name is Hainsworth. I added both ezra scarlet and saiyan to my in game friends list and will send a message online if i see them. Thanks.
  9. ImMavis New Player

    We'll be happy to have you! ^~^
  10. Im Erza Active Player

    Vote for Pedro
  11. Freshamgo1186 New Player

    Interested. Gt: freshamgo1186 dcuo toons: chaosfreak 64cr 77sp. Atomicspeedster 167cr 102sp
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  12. Painless_Nova New Player

    I'm interested in joining

    Ingame name:Queen Vinti
    SP38 but am working to get way way more.
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  13. Im Erza Active Player

    If you're still interested I'll be on to add you today, just send me a tell ingame Erza Scarlet is my toon or GT: Warready422
  14. Im Erza Active Player

    Same as above....look me or one of the others listed up whenever you're online and we'll send you an invite :) thanks for the interest
  15. Im Erza Active Player

  16. Claux New Player

    Messaged you and another. No answer. Guess ill look elsewhere
  17. Altimatum New Player

    Lots of great people here!!!
  18. MaxGremory New Player

    Being a massive anime fan i recently started playing under one of my fav animes you might of heard me rabble in the tower on my AoT Survey Corps - Max Chance but with no luck getting any members i started to reconsider and join a known organised league. I'm an experienced player played since PS3 launch and was a high ranking member of Dark/Black Hearts after which i became it's leader for xbox villians which became a successful league, though due to new games ended up all members being inactive and disbanded to heroes when i eventually returned. But thts my history now on to me in general, I'm quite laid back and very rarely ask for help when i do usally means random groups arnt making much progress alerts/raids. I tend to RP alot and always sticks up for those i call family aka the league. If im able to join i would like to create a new char so it fits with your theme and is a legit char from the fairy tail universe. but would like your input on what power to choose atm celestial is the closet to match my chosen char and i would go into healing (go easy thou never really tryed being a support) but i want your input on what the guild is looking for so i can be more useful and be apart of the team and not the common recruits you forget about. im willing to learn and in group play i pay strong attention to the groups positioning as well as boss ai's. i dont use a mic as ive never felt the need for one. thx for your time and sry for it being this long fyi no im not formal in general xD just giving you the info you look for.
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  19. Im Erza Active Player

    well okay then lol I'll be on soonish to check on a few things so if possible we'll talk soon ? Erza Scarlet is my ingame name warready422 is my gt just in case we miss each other.....thanks for the interest :)
  20. MaxGremory New Player

    Alright nice atm though servers down for like 4 more hours i think but thks for getting back to me when servers come online i'll jump on and keep my out ill assume you look like erza herself xD
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