F2P or P2W?? which one do you see DCUO as?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by veneficus OP truncus, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. veneficus OP truncus Committed Player

    let me start by saying the best investment in dcuo is a legendary sub.. it is the most rewarding money spent in dcuo.. if you want to fully enjoy the game its totally worth the money to pay the sub fee if your going to spend money on dcuo.. but does this make it pay to win?? i dont think it does.. it really really really helps tho..

    but why would some one say the game is pay to win and not free to play??

    my answer would be this.. (all of this is based off already paying the sub and having access to all content)

    IMO -

    without spending any money there is a limited amount of progression you can cover per day/week and it will take you X amount of time to raise your cr high enough to play the next tier.. sure it goes faster for some compared to others but with a RNG loot system this is inevitable.. but it will likely take you a day or two maybe even a week per tier to achieve a high enough cr to progress to the next..this of course is after you reach lv 30.. and that can be done in one day but it will be a lengthy process and most players will take quite a bit of time getting there.. (it is much easier if you have played before and know how the combat system and leveling system work)


    lets say you spend $75 on exp boosters, replay badges,a teleporter for your base, and radar enhancers

    you will have all the tools you need to reach top tier in 1 day..
    you will reach lv. 30 twice as fast (the teleporter will help make it even faster), there will be no blockages to hinder your progression thru each tier and can fly thru each one (you still have to deal with pug groups and might not be able to complete some content) the radar enhancers will help to obtain gear that will speed this process up ( things like the mask from gates) so a 147+ cr is completely reachable in 1 day.. it will take quite a few hours tho

    even endgame players feel the effects of a P2W aspect..

    without spending any RPB how confident do you feel that you can obtain a full 8 pieces of elite gear before the next set comes and renders the one you have been working on useless? or even craft all the "must craft" gear before the next cycle starts?

    now im not saying that the game is P2W nor am i saying the game is not P2W because
    me personally.. i dont really care if dcuo is f2p or p2w as i jus enjoy the game and have for years..

    i jus wanna ask the community on these forums what their opinions are on this subject..
    is DCUO really a F2P game or is it really a P2W game??
  2. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    F2P...but soon enough you'll hit a pay-wall.

    At which point it becomes pay to progress.

    Pay to win would be putting down $xx.xx and getting a single button rotation that one-shots any and everything withing sight.
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  3. Delta796th Loyal Player

    A pretty good definition of pay to win:
    Games that let you buy better gear or allow you to make better items then everyone else at a faster rate and then makes the game largely unbalanced even for people who have skill in the game without paying.

    Now notice the part that says " to buy or make better gear"? DC does not have this option...sure you can replay and get raid gear faster but its still the same ole gear everyone else can get.
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  4. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    Idc about getting all pieces within that month. Most will come by the end of the cycle.
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  5. Vyltran Loyal Player

    And the point is to offend DCUO itself?.

    This is a Free To Play game, if you want more advantages go for P2W. There's nothing to discuss here.
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  6. Menelaos Dedicated Player

    I'm sorry, but I can't take it serious when someone thinks the two options are Free 2 Play or Pay 2 Win when in truth the options are Free to try out the game and Pay to fully play the game.

    Consider a movie trailer, that is free! Everyone gets to see just under 3 minutes of the movie for free. However, if you want to watch the whole movie, you pay to see the movie.

    Same with going to a bar and having taster samples of beer prior to making your selection. The small shot portion beer is free, but if you want more, then you pay for your beer.

    The idea that the "Game" is F2P is not true. PART of the game is F2P, the rest requires for the players to pay. Actually rather simple and for some reason it gets confused.

    There is no Pay 2 Win...I get that people LOVE tossing that term around as if it was a thing. Like because someone pays for more Replay Badges they are paying to win. It is paying to further enjoy the game and if that leads to more marks, more gear, etc...well then thats a side product of it. Not like DCUO has a chart with the following:

    $5 - Player gets 50SP
    $10 - Player gets 100SP
    $15 - Player gets fully modded highest level gear
    $20 - Player gets....

    THAT would be Pay 2 Win,

    Again, for those who are F2P or Premium, please enjoy the part of the game that is available to you. If YOU choose to purchase more of the game or pay a membership to have it all, then you will experience a better/bigger game.

    However dont claim that game is Pay 2 Win, its Pay to Play after your trial sampler which can get you to 70+ CR

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  7. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    No its pay to win in a sense...people are paying to gain gear at a faster rate to be ready for the next episodes. They don't have to and pay any money to do so. Pay to win isn't just a about even if you paid $1 that is still paying to win the amount doesn't matter. Buying replays to reset mission is paying to win. You are winnig by uping your chances to gain gear. Which is what the dev's wants You don't have to buy SP or new gear. You are gaining an advantage still thats Paying to Win its just as simple as that. Its not a major advantage but its is still one.

    I could reset something as much as I want and play it over and over if i have the funds to do so. If not then I can wait a week or the time limit to do it again. Thats the advantage gain and that's pay to win. And i'm ok with that its people choices.

    Its not always about gaining more to you Skills its taking advantage when given. Even if its PvE, you still are at the gain column.
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  8. Owl Devoted Player

    The game allows someone to login and play the game without spending anything.
    They may only have access to part of the game but they are able to play with their character for Free in some content.
    The base game content that was available at game launch is Free to Play.
    Content that was added in the first 8 months of the game is also Free to Play.

    Pay to Win would be if they sold Armor or Weapons for cash without playing content.

    Replay Badges are a shortcut for time. A player still has to run content. They just don't have to wait as long to get into content.
    For example: A Raid reset saves up to 7 days of real world time waiting for content to reset.
    An Alert reset saves up to 24 hours of real world time waiting for content to reset.
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  9. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I think you have to tell us you definition of "winning".

    Free to play can win a PvP match against subscribers. They can beat all free content. They don't have to pay totry winning again - they can wait for it to reset on its own.

    The Episode content is not pay to win, but Pay-to-play. An example of a pure P2P MMO is The Secret World.
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  10. scotv453 Well-Known Player

    Free to play
    Then pay to progress


    Long Demo
    then Pay 2 Continue
  11. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    or if they ever introduce buying top gear thats pay to win and i would be peace out DCUO or buying feats you havent earned on another toon
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  12. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    In the end its a matter of opinion really. I find it one stage of Pay to Win by gaining a advantage over gear progression, while others see buying armor or SP as pay to win. But either one there is a clear advantage and you would need money to do both.

    This game is free to play but yet its not. Its like WoW level 20 cap to me which is good get players to try it out but even in DCUO its such a small sample size and I personally think it cause more people to have reason to leave than to stay once they then the game is really different compared to when you level and that to end game content.
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  13. Veritasum Loyal Player

    Not sure how this would be a discussion. I can't buy better gear than the next guy with real world money. I can improve my chances to get it faster, but it will still be the same gear. And you can play a respectable chunk of the game for free... so f2p.
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  14. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    great flamebait mate 5/7 constructive discussion
    "I don't care about this but let's start a mud throwing contest just cause"

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  15. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    lol pretty much there is no really wrong answer and everything is opinions on this subject...its pretty much like you said people throwing mud until someone is hit with a mud ball full of rocks that is lol.
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  16. VariableFire Loyal Player

    For someone to claim that DCUO doesn't have a P2W component: "Elite" Content says hi.
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  17. Derio 15000 Post Club

    By definition:

    Games that let you buy better gear or allow you to buy the opportunity to obtain better gear faster than everyone else who does not pay is defined as pay to win.

    Urban dictionary source.

    By definition DCUO is a P2W game.
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  18. BO PERRY_CRS Well-Known Player

    Ive seen this game as PAY TO PLAY since 2010 when I pre-ordered this game. Just because it went F2P doesn't mean you shouldnt sub to play the game in its entirety.
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  19. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    Lol there was a thread like this made months ago I thin kby Antwoman and she uesd that same dictionary source people still gave her a hard time lol. So in a few more months this will come up again lol.
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  20. Backseid Devoted Player

    I haven't read your post yet, but will just say this:

    The game is neither F2P or P2W. No question. No interpretation.

    It is free to try and pay to play.
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