Exciting New Future For DCUO! PvP Updates Included??

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Mister Scopey, Nov 29, 2021.

  1. Mister Scopey New Player

    Hello everyone! I'm a player who started back in 2012 and made a lot of memories both good and bad in my religious DCUO journey from 2012-2015. I've been an extremely casual or seasonal player since then. I've read up on *SOME* of the news for DCUO and got excited to play again since its very close to December which means LARFLEEZE!! Favorite time to play alongside the Halloween event.

    My question is: does anyone know if all of these big future plans include PvP? That's what made this game VERY fun to play.. or made me hate the game lmao. If they do plan to update PvP with fixes, new PvP CR, and just anything else to do with that game mode, I will be so happy and excited.

    Feel free to put your 2 cents down below! Please keep it respectful and positive. Lmk what your favorite events are as well as your favorite memory!
  2. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    Probably not.

    In the Investor presentation it says DCUO is reaching "near its peak annual performance" already. Thats without PVP. Truth is, there are exactly zero Forum Members who can actually answer your question with any certainty, or more importantly, with any facts. Nobody has the info you want, we can just make an educated guess.

    Right now the best educated guess I can give is that until PVP is somehow able to prove it could be profitable again, it'll stay exactly as it is. Likely it comes up in internal discussions, but no worthwhile plans are ever made.

  3. Trykz Dedicated Player

    I would like to see a pvp update, not because I like pvp, I kind of hate it, but I know how many people love it. The problem I always had with pvp is it’s impossible to balance pve with pvp. The powers don’t work the same in both arenas. They were constantly updating powers to fit pvp and screwing up peoples game in pve. If they could divorce any and all connections between pve and pvp that would be best case scenario for me personally. Obviously that will never happen, they might as well come out with dcuo pvp game at that point. Basically pvp doesn’t make any money at all. No replay sales, no one building arts for pvp, no grinding out the good trinkets that you can’t even use in pvp, all in all it’s just not there. Of course it’s all speculation because hunted hit the nail on the head, no one can give you a real answer because no one outside the dev team has all the information.