Every Day Stuff

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Newtech Bat, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. Newtech Bat New Player

    can we get some content where we do regular everyday hero stuff, like save a cruise ship, hijack a nuclear submarine, go back in time to WWI or WWII, do something in an everyday neighbor hood, maybe do something in a jungle with an ancient temple (not khandaq, thats the desert, i want a lush green jungle or rain forest) or maybe a natural disaster like a tornado.
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  2. Delta795 New Player

    Why would a hero hijack a nuclear sub? Just curious...
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  3. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    Silly because he/she is being controlled by some evil villain with a mind control device.
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  4. Yefged Active Player

    Go back in time is a regular everyday stuff for a hero? o_O
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  5. DCFanatical Dedicated Player

    While I like the overall premise of this thread (we really need more "everyday" hero stuff, one can only help a distressed citizen so many times), Some of your ideas are rather far fetched.

    I don't see heroes regularly going back to WWI or WWII, not saying time travel stories can't be added to DCUO, but that is hardly a "everyday" occurrence.

    Likewise, your jungle idea sound more like a raid type thing, not something that would happen everyday, but fun little expedition non the less.
  6. Delta795 New Player

    Ahhh....stupid villains!
  7. Snoopmyelf New Player

    I think you mean instead of "saving" the random citizens from one guy or encountering captain kruel.... you should come across a random building that is being "robbed" or come across a car accident at an intersection that needs the victim transported to hospital or a fugitiveto police station.......ya?
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  8. IIJetfire New Player

    More Expansion of different environment and different type of daily missions related to the real-lifestyle, sounds alot interesting.+1 :)
  9. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Didn't Larry Liberty say we will go to Mugo in War of Light? Isn't that one usually depicted as a jungle-planet?
  10. shadwfyre New Player

    I REALLY want to try the worlds toughest miniature golf course on the pillars of hades!
  11. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I like to see heroes get random messages from starlabs or gcpd about villains attacking labs or banks and needing help they could change out the villains every week .
  12. Snoopmyelf New Player

    This gave me an idea.... you could have a weekly hero/villan that is "leading" a weekly open world event if you will....

    It could work out something like this. Say the hero of the week is "superman". Different heroes associated with metro and Gotham can have there respective cities and there respective parts of the city.

    SO for playing as a villain you could say... go to a certain part of Gotham where someone like Nightwing is attempting to stop (some villain) from robbing a bank. Your mission is to help your fellow villains execute the robbery without Nightwing...I dunno calling reinforcements or something. These missions could be daily or out of 5 like Strykers/Ace stuff.

    When you complete the 5 or so missions you can go up against the weekly leader. In this case Superman.

    **side note this can all be open world and thus using the heros/villans that are found in the open world (the ones for the feats) I think this would better utilize people exploring and grouping in the open world for something.

    What do u guys think?
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