Event Bugs?

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Gamer_Liko, Dec 12, 2017.

  1. Gamer_Liko Well-Known Player


    I've noticed when you are doing the open world event. I'll be attacking orange lanterns..and they take no damage. I had a combo of 60+ before one finally took one damage.. I was smacking him with brawling weapon..

    During the instance it seems when you attack the orange lanterns till the barrier forms, sometimes they still attack and sometimes can't grab them.
  2. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    Seasonal open world enemies clamp all damage to 1 point. If you hit more than two enemies at once, your damage splits. Since you would only do 1 damage on each enemy, if you hit three you're getting rounded to 0 and deal no damage. It's always been that way (although obviously it's been an issue for many). Just use single target attacks or try to only hit two enemies at once. Cone attacks work well for that.

    I've seen the second one happen as well. It's pretty weird when they get encased but still move and don't allow you to carry them.