[EUPS3] Roleplay, does it exist? Anyone interested?

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Tsori, Jun 25, 2013.

  1. Tsori New Player

    Ok so this is getting a bit stupid now, I've never seen a mmo community that has such little mention of roleplay. From what I can gather a rather small complement of rp'ers exist on the us server but we really don't have any in the EU ?

    So, assuming there isn't some huge rp resource I've somehow managed to miss in the past few hours of searching, I'm asking here knowing that there is a somewhat... Immature mindset amongst console players for rp. Why do I ask then? Because coming from many a mmo I know full well that the serious rp'ers will be around in the background and it is to you people i appeal to.

    Is there rp to be found here in the eu? I don't want to change to a us account and i don't see why anyone should have to, maybe its just very well hidden, if so where would one begin looking?

    Failing this, are there at least rp'ers in the EU with interest to getting something going, even if its just a rp channel with weekly meets... Anything.. To scratch this itch that drives me back to other games.
  2. Tsori New Player

    Troll post was removed , hence so has my reply been =]

    For anyone wondering I am of course referring to roleplaying your character within the game.
  3. Solar wing New Player

    I role play but I'm in us D: