EU Server - Server Issues

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by beardrive, Nov 15, 2023.

  1. beardrive Committed Player

    There's currently major lag on the EU servers. People dropping in and out. Not being able to use powers. Not being able to kill ads, or activate cogs. It's happening right now. I sense a server crash happening soon...
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  2. beardrive Committed Player

    Believe it or not changing phases seem to help. I was in one phase where the vendors weren't even showing up, and I changed phase to another phase, and I was able to to kill and activate again.
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  3. sebfm Well-Known Player

    I confirm, there are major latencies currently on EU PS/PC Servers. We have to disconnect/reconnect in order to spawn.
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  4. beardrive Committed Player

    Phase lagging, disconnects, world down notices, failure to reconnect at character login. This is what's been happening to me since it started.
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  5. CrYsiS44 Well-Known Player

    The entire game has lagged out/crashed. I was fighting Nubia in the solo. Her cr dropped to 49, and she froze, then there was massive lag, if caught up, then totally stopped any damage to her, but was still hitting me.

    Loading screens are 2+ mins.

    Entire swarms of people go missing. I thought everyone had phase shifted - then they reappear.

    Sound has been missing for weeks at random (not music) power sounds. Powers being used show no animation at times. But the sounds will go permanently; until relog, or switch.

    LFG didn’t move for ages, then a flood all appeared at once.

    Gorgon getting stuck in certain places (whilst that’s helpful for groups without a tank - it’s still a bug)
    These aren’t random occurrences! These are daily things. Maybe not all every day - but… enough of them.
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  6. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Ever since the 24-hour downtime for the hardware maintenance/improvements, the server in general seems to be a bit more unreliable.
    Usually in raids, adds were sometimes stuck in their animations in the past days. This was usually resolved with a relog.

    Today seems to be even more extreme, as just attacking sparring targets in HoL doesn't register the player damaging the targets at all times and we even lose connection to the server after some time.
    We can instantly log back in, but this should be looked at, especially with the release of Elite+ today.

    If needed the downtime should be increased for the EU server if this would help address this issue.
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  7. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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  8. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    started happening to me today, on EU. used Cryo Foam, got stuck in animation, booted out of game. twice. not cool. hopefully, they'll get it sorted.
  9. Odin EU Level 30

    Props to creating the thread and I agree. If extending the downtime as mean to resolve the issues, then by all means do it.

    I’d like to add to the point of disconnecting. That today it seems to be extreme as loads of people disconnect at the same time. I think they got trouble staying online as the game can’t maintain their client connection, as reconnecting is instantaneous. From when I asked around, people are effected to different extents. Perhaps depending on where they are situated. Same for hit registration issues. Tend to be the same people experiencing it over and over. I’m myself Nordic and situated in Scandinavia. I’ve only dcd once so far after loggin back in the afternoon. I also do not suffer any hit registration issues.
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  10. beardrive Committed Player

    I created a bug report a while ago. I've been kicked out of the same raid three times, and I haven't been invited back. :) it's been going on since just before our reset time should have happened at 5:00 a.m. GMT, or 8:00 p.m. PST., so about 8 hours, and will probably continue until maintenance, which I hope will fix it! :)
  11. Eve YouTuber

    Oh god, I just ran the Spark of Parallax solo after being mostly on US for a few days. I never lagged like that, ever. My loadout barely let me do anything. An attack that I spam became unspamabble, weapon attacks did nothing, and ended up disconnecting at the end of the solo. o_O
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  12. Stranger Well-Known Player

    Hopefully this will be fixed after the downtime. :-(
  13. Stranger Well-Known Player

    Servers are still in a bad state. Nice hardware upgrade, devs! :)
  14. Eve YouTuber

    Got booted again, after a lag fest in the old theater solo. :\
  15. Red Wáve Well-Known Player

    Update did not fix it. Logged Inferna, took a full minute to accept the new Bounty, switched to lowest pop phase, started killing Gentleman Ghost. Stuck in infinite Amplified Heat Vision and Absorb Heat, before disconnecting with the message "Connection to the world was lost." Good night all.
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  16. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Game still performing as terribly as it did last night. Disconnected in the middle of a bounty a few minutes after logging in, now I'm getting a maintenance message, when trying to log back in on my main, or I'm getting disconnected immediately if I manage to log in.
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  17. Siramez Well-Known Player

    dont worry guys, free sorry gift coming.
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  18. Stranger Well-Known Player

    I hope another Bunch of Zatanna Posters
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  19. Jords21 Well-Known Player

    Servers keep kicking straight out after logging in
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  20. WonderEU Level 30

    The game is literally unplayable on EU.

    Was like this earlier this morning before shut down.