EU (PS/PC) Server Lag/Delay

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Phantom Bat, Sep 3, 2019.

  1. Phantom Bat New Player

    Hi everyone, I'm sure most of you on EU server are experiencing this.

    Heat-Vision lasting longer after the explosion but not doing any damage, cool-downs and casting times take longer than they're supposed to and lag affecting the game overall. This is mostly in JLD content including Chaos Gotham, Bases, League-Halls and HQ. I'm not having any of these problems on US Server. This issue has been going on since Switch release. Is this being looked into?
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  2. nawanda Loyal Player

    Just to add that since the Switch release update, the icon that appears above a KO’d team mate doesn’t look right. The outer circle which tells you how long you have to pick the player up appears detached from the inner circle with the medical symbol, and when you interact with the downed player, the blue outer circle always appears to be right at the end of the timer. This is in all content. EU PS4.
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  3. Tvit New Player

    Sorry to say that guys, but me and many other people arleady reported it. No answer from DCUO stuff since few weeks regarding this case...
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  4. Phantom Bat New Player

    Terrible news but thanks for the reply and that is somewhat true. Three people I know didn't renew their sub due to this issue for the game is at an unplayable state most of the time. Let's hope some kind of solution to this is on the way.