Etiquette for pve Raids, Operations, Alerts?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Infinite Onefunk, Aug 1, 2017.

  1. Infinite Onefunk Active Player

    The contents of this post are both statements and questions.

    Statement - this is what I learned, was taught, and in my experience when these guidelines were obeyed/adhered to
    I and everyone in the group learned mechanics faster, mechanics were executed by everyone much more efficiently, less wipes, generally most everyone in the group enjoyed running the content more even when it was difficult, frustrating and figuring out the mechanics were elusive.

    Question - Am I the only one who learned and benefited from these guidelines?

    1. Follow the tank

    2. Wait for the Healer/Controller before starting

    3. Have a mic and be on it in Group Chat or Instance Chat
    This game requires cooperation to complete pve group content by design

    4. Pickup order/duty. This is more question than statement as to the first 2. Is it Controller does pickups first then DPS or the other way around? then healer, tank only in dire emergencies

    Already too close to TL; DR I’ll elaborate in later replies
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  2. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    I would love to see something similar to the Premade group finder of World of Warcraft here on DCUO, where the person creating the custom group assign the roles desired for the task at hand, and people can join if they fit the profile asked.
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  3. BumblingB I got better.

    Buh mai damage?!
  4. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    Good advice except for pick up duties, this is a group responsibility in my opinion.

    I typically play as Healer but when I DPS I go out of my way to destroy anything getting close to hurting the healer or troller. I do wish more groups understood the value of not leaving behind an active playing troller or healer.

    I always saw DPS role as a low defense damage heavy "tank". There to eliminate threats that my harm the team. So that's how I play in group content.
  5. EP Ice Loyal Player

    As long as we are talking etiquette and this will help me avoid creating a whole thread for it, I have a question as well.

    When you find out someone in your raid/alert group has never ran the content before, what do you do....

    A. Kick them
    B. Teach them
    C. Continue mission without telling them anything and hope for the best
  6. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    I do C first, then if I see struggle I switch to B. Hoping they are open to the help.
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  7. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I'm not running with the in-game voice system because it's terrible. Now, if you'd like to join my Discord my guest.
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  8. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    These are the rules I learned:

    1. TGIF (Tank Goes In First/Front) and the Tank sets the pace of advancement... i.e., the tank is in command.
    2. Wait for all to be ready (some people change loadouts, utility belt items, restock colas, etc), and let the tank start everything.
    3. Communicate... mic is best, but if you prefer to type that works too as long as your communications are timely and you can hear those who are speaking.
    4. DPSes should be first to do pickups, as there tend to be more of them; if you are down to the tank doing pickups, you're most likely up $#!+s Creek without a paddle. Solo healers in raids are like tanks... they don't do pickups until the $#!+ hits the fan or they're the only person who will be able to do it in time.

    Voice chat etiquette is a whole separate discussion that can be summed up with:
    1. Mute your mic to shield everyone from your background noise (screaming, eating, toilet use (yes, I've been in a group when someone left a mic open while going to tinkle), etc); use push to talk if you have to
    2. No public broadcasting of music unless all agree
    3. Be polite to each other
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  9. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Last night I had a B and almost A moment. Our heal in WC wasn't doing well. We were dying left and right. He says be just changed powers and trying to learn. Had enough when I'm sitting there with 25% health blocking as the Dr fate fight starts. Healer had a full power bar. Only advice I could give on the fly was to hit some damn buttons. Lol.
  10. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Yes, but all players great. There are tanks that will go to slow. Some hallways, thus can wipe groups.

    I believe trolls should be responsible for pick ups, but there is no longer a cookie cutter loadout for trolls. So no way of knowing if they are carrying self break outs or shields. Dps shields actually work now. I don't think it's out of line to expect dps to do picks now.
  11. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    I disagree on pickups being the troll's job first rather than DPS in the current meta unless it is a two troll run. If two trolls become the norm , I may revisit my opinion. But even then DPS should be doing pickups. There have been a lot more wipes due to the solo troll getting knocked out while trying to pick someone up than there have been wipes due to the 4th or 5th place dps doing a pickup rather than burning for a few more seconds.

    A lot more. LOL.

    But both roles should do the pickup.

    (P.S. From a practical standpoint, unless there are power issues as well, if a kick vote starts... it is a easier to replace a DPS than it is a troll. So if you happen to be one of the bottom two DPS in a non-league run... your pickup game better be on point. Just saying. ;) )
  12. xsamhellx Level 30

    Me as a troller...healer dies I pop a shield and go to pick up healer dps with no shield try keeps getting interrupted...I can't press O bc dps keeps trying and getting interrupted..healer times out we wipe. My three duties are 1. Power, 2. Debuffs, and pickups... When someone dies and you see someone pop a shield please let them try to do the pick up first.
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  13. xsamhellx Level 30

    All trollers should have a shield in load out for the purpose of pickups and survival. Dps never run with shields and often suck at pickups. I am a troller. I'm a support role.. pickups are support. Only time a dps should do a pick up is if healer and troller or just trollers are down. I'm a damn good troller I can debuffs, give power, cc and pick up and honestly troller is easiest support role to play. A dps can't throw out a cc and pop a shield and pickup. Troller is more suited for pickups than any other role just keep that in mind..
  14. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    I agree that it is easier for the troll to pickup. I disagree that a dps shouldn't stop when someone goes down close to them to pickup unless we get back to a point like the old days where there are say 3 dps and 2 trolls. I'm on the fence in the 4-2 situation.

    In a 5 dps run... dps need to pay attention to pickups.
  15. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    Haha. Funny. What I learned was very similar. It was something like:

    1. **** everyone. Chase scoreboards.
    2. Run ahead of everyone so I can get to the ads before them.
    3. Never hit cogs or do any other mechanics.
    4. Never pick anyone up.
    5. Pull every cheesy move I can to get damage (Orbitals on ads, etc)
    6. If I do make a mistake and die, immediately blame someone else.
    7. If I don't win on damage. Blame the game.
    8. Use LFG / Trade chat as my personal chat channel.
    9. Make sure to steal objectives from other players because there clearly is no other opportunity for me to get it.
    10. Gang up on people in PVP Phase, fear 1v1s, and always run away from a fair duel.
    11. Cry about everything I want changed on the forums. Cry often. Cry loud. Find others to cry with me. Odds are if we cry enough we can get what we want.
    12. Refuse to be wrong about anything. Even when I am clearly wrong use insults and distractions so people won't notice.
    13. If we wipe. Again disburse blame elsewhere and rage quit.
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  16. buddah Well-Known Player

    3. Never hit cogs or do any other mechanics. I hate when DPSs do this and I as a troll have to hit cogs and get yelled at because no one has power. Thank you MastaMind
  17. ColdFuzion Well-Known Player