Fixed Equipping Father Box gives the feat for Alfred Box

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Valka Lynx, Jul 26, 2022.

  1. Valka Lynx Dedicated Player

    First time I got "The Butler Did It" feat on one of my characters a few days ago when I stood in Barbatos' area and switched into armory that had Father Box imprinted in it.
    Today I got this feat again on a different character by simply taking off and re-equipping Father Box.
    Both were Tier 2 trinkets if that matters.

    Mother Box doesn't seem to trigger this feat.

    None of those characters actually have or had Alfred Box. :confused:
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  2. Reluctant Well-Known Player

    I noticed a lot of feats are bugged at the moment, like I constantly get the same feat for not dying in the dark knights duo and alert, even though everyone wipes, I do not believe I am getting extra feat points though, I have not checked, but it is not like you can get duplicate feat points
  3. Valka Lynx Dedicated Player

    I didn't see any duplicate feats happening, but my buddy got a School of Hard Knocks feat in the elite duo despite using supercharges and consumables :oops::D
  4. Valka Lynx Dedicated Player

    Looks like this has been fixed with today's hotfix. Thank you :)

  5. Emoney Dedicated Player

    It's not just feats....
    Some missions are counting when they shouldn't. The mission for doing John Stewart's daily mission 5 times is counting in one of the STU missions, but I dont remember which. After I unlock those three 5 day missions, I usually leave em for the next day to do during the regular daily ones. Well I had it up, and was running other content, and every so often it was counting as saving the lanterns lol.