Equipment Mod Bug

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Synisterstrike, Jun 21, 2018.

  1. Synisterstrike Active Player

    I know someone reported this on test(proxystar, I believe), however it is affecting live as well since GU84 launched yesterday.
    When you go to socket a mod in a piece of gear, it says "cannot place mods while in trade"(or something similar) and takes the piece of gear off. The workaround is to take the piece of gear in question off in order to place a mod and then replace it when you've socketed said mod.
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  2. arcfussion Well-Known Player

    Yeah all my toons have to remove their gear in order to put in white tac mods and standard gear mods. If you don't remove it , it states "gear cannot be modded while in trade. " I'm on PS4 ,anyone else on other platforms with same issue?
  3. KlausKilowatt Committed Player

    Yeppers, same here.